Posts: 4278
| http://www.amazon.com/OPT7-Headlight-6000K-Xenon-Light/dp/B01188O2LK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447989724&sr=8-1&keywords=s+OPT7+h4
447989724&sr=8-1&keywords=s+OPT7+h4 really
bright plug and play
Attachments ----------------
normal.jpg (60KB - 1 downloads)
LED's.jpg (57KB - 1 downloads)
Posts: 324 New Orleans, La, | So are they xenon which are HIDs or actual LEDs? They are two different technologies you know. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 44 Okeana, OH United States | Those lights need adjusting. As is, you are going to blind oncoming traffic. They are way too high but I bet they are awesome to ride with. |
Posts: 4278
| sorry paste didn't work
http://www.amazon.com/OPT7-Headlight-6000K-Xenon-Light/dp/B01188O2L... |
Posts: 3773 Pittsburgh, PA | a little confusing in the description (fromt he seller ) xenon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenon is a gas... leds have nothing to do with gas...
from the photo.. they dont look any brighter than regular headlight bulbs.. just a different color... |