Pullig a Roll-A-Home?
Posted 2015-12-05 7:03 AM (#176831)
Subject: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
Pierson, FL United States
Are there any Vision owners that pull a Roll-A-Home camper? I wanted to touch bases and maybe learn some tips or timely advice.
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Posted 2015-12-05 7:56 AM (#176833 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: RE: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?


Posts: 190
If you haven't done so yet, you might go to this site,(if I copy/pasted correctly) forums.delphiforums.com/MCTrailertowing/start. Don't know if you'll find anyone specifically with a Vision/Roll-A-Home but they DO pull trailers.

I have a Windward camper that I lived in on the road full time for 8 years pulling it first with an '85 K/100 BMW and later a '97 Kawasaki Concours. My Vision is the biggest bike I've owned so, while I haven't had it on the road(with the camper) yet, it should be able to handle the weight. If you've never pulled a camper before, remember that your slow-down-and-stop changes just like the get-up-and-go.

Edited by beemerdad2@yahoo.com 2015-12-05 8:08 AM
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Posted 2015-12-05 11:01 AM (#176834 - in reply to #176833)
Subject: RE: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
Pierson, FL United States
Hi Beemer

I've pulled a camper with my Goldwing on two trips to the west coast and parts South. I was wondering if the Vision will present any problems pulling the Roll-A-Home. The RAH is slightly heavier than my Slipstream.

I'm looking forward to the future in any case.
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Posted 2015-12-06 7:25 AM (#176835 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?


Posts: 162
Extreme Southern, AZ United States
I tow a timeout popup camper with no issues. i am sureit decreases gs mileage but not enuff to make it an issue. have to give yourself a liitle more braking time but again no real issue. a timeout weighs about 300 lbs, but i put a cartop carrier with all my gear on top. about another 200 lbs or so.
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Posted 2015-12-06 4:23 PM (#176838 - in reply to #176835)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?


Posts: 98
Santa Maria CA
Have 2008 vision. Have pulled a kwik Camp tent trailer for 3 years then went to an Aspen tent trailer for the past 2 years. Have log about 20,000 miles pulling the trailers. Have 110,000 on the bike. Just allow more braking time
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Posted 2015-12-07 7:42 PM (#176842 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Remember to add air to rear shock. Due to the electronics on the Vision the recommendation is to use an issolator for power to the taillights. The only issue I had to work through was making sure the trailer weight was balanced to put 10 to 15% on the tongue. Two up, trailer and gear no problem for the Vision.
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Posted 2015-12-17 4:42 PM (#176990 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
Pierson, FL United States
Thanks All

I have the isolator on the trailer wiring already and will take my time with the braking. I'm looking forward to retired life!
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Posted 2015-12-19 10:46 PM (#177000 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?


Posts: 244
I have been towing a Bunk House about 20K. It does ok, 3 or 4 less MPG, longer stopping distances. 2up.
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Posted 2016-02-29 2:30 PM (#179010 - in reply to #176831)
Subject: Re: Pullig a Roll-A-Home?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Thumb, MI United States
A question that might complete towing thoughts. I have time out camper/car top carrier also=
(heavy). So for I have only pulled it behind my s 2000. Justbob do you have swivel coupler or electric brake set up, and if so would you recommend similar to me or the op?
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