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Quarter turn ring...
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Posted 2017-05-28 7:50 PM (#191898)
Subject: Quarter turn ring...


Posts: 190
I'm not the sharpest tack in the box but after watching both Witchdoctor and Paul Pomerleau's excellent videos on how to install the quarter-turn throttle ring, I was all gung-ho and looked forward to a relatively easy 5 to 10 minute install on my Vision.

Hah! I finally figured out it'd be WAY easier if I took the front brake reservoir first, THEN removed the cruise control bracket, which in turn would make it a LOT easier to get to the front phillips head screw on the bottom of the switch housing and allow me to pop the top off, pull the cables out, followed up by the grip itself and install the ring.

Piece of cake but it'd be nice if someone would help slow people like me and do a video showing the job on a Vision instead of one of the Cross bikes. Ended up as a 25 minute job because of me trying to figure out how to move stuff out of the way. It's a bit more complicated than the other bikes are.

Still, I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Edited by 2017-05-28 7:53 PM
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Posted 2017-05-29 1:43 AM (#191901 - in reply to #191898)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 44
Lackawaxen PA United States
interested in the same .... been wondering if it really makes a difference ... keep us posted
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Posted 2017-05-29 5:41 PM (#191904 - in reply to #191898)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...


Posts: 4278
putting one on is the same as on cross country. Still have to move stuff out of the way. Its easier on 2012 and up.

Yes twocell it makes a difference for the good
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Posted 2017-05-29 6:23 PM (#191905 - in reply to #191901)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...


Posts: 190
I'd say that once you've gotten to the cables themselves, it IS the same as the CC installation, however, the bracket for the cruise buttons is different than the CC simply can't get to the screw's on the bottom of the switch cluster until you first remove the brake from the handlebars. You do that and move the cruise bracket out of the way, THEN you can reach the bottom screw toward the front of the switch cluster...not an issue on the Cross bikes so the videos don't show it. Additionally, I learned there are 3 pieces to be aware of...the bottom will fall off when you remove the top to access the cables if you don't make it a point to hold it in place. In the videos, the Cross bikes seem to have a simple 2-piece cluster box..the lid and the "bowl" the cables sit in. I've sent a letter to Witchdoctor suggesting they post a Vision-specific video for people like me who, before realizing I had to remove the brake lever from the handlebar, rounded out the forward..(shorter) phillips head screw on the switch cluster. I'm lucky my son-in-law had an easy-out so I could pull the original screw after I messed it up. I also replaced the phillips head screws with socket head bolts.

Edited by 2017-05-29 6:36 PM
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Posted 2017-06-02 3:11 PM (#191946 - in reply to #191901)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...


Posts: 190
Just picked the bike up after getting a new rear tire but only rode it the 12 miles or so back home. First impressions are's not any faster but it gets there faster, if that makes sense. It seemed easier to get to speed, might be a better way to put it...less throttle twist. I won't know for certain until I've had a chance to ride it for more than 15 minutes but so far, so good. For $20, I thought it's worth a shot. Updates coming...

Edited by 2017-06-02 3:12 PM
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Posted 2017-06-03 10:01 PM (#191954 - in reply to #191901)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...


Posts: 190
I was finally able to put some miles on the bike today and I'm glad I bought the quarter-turn ring. My shifting is no different that it's ever been because the only times I ever felt the need to shift faster is when I was a youngster and wanted to race anything on wheels.

To be honest as well...if you have issues with your wrists...pre-carpotunnel syndrome, I'm not sure it'd make as much of a difference because you still have to rotate your wrist to gain and lose speed. Sore wrists were something of an issue when 4 cylinder Japanese bikes became popular, if I remember correctly, and the remedy for it was softer or lower spring rates at the carbs. Might be an easy fix here as well.

Still...and I've said this's $20 well spent as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by 2017-06-03 10:02 PM
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Posted 2017-08-29 2:56 PM (#192200 - in reply to #191954)
Subject: Re: Quarter turn ring...

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 44
Lackawaxen PA United States
have driven a thousand miles since June not only installed the 1/4 turn ring, but also LLOYD'Z Adjustable Timing Gear .... the combination of the two is amazing more torque/hp little to no hesitation. throttle response is immediate in every gear w/minimal effort
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