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FM Amplified Antenna Install
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Posted 2011-11-15 7:57 AM (#101535)
Subject: FM Amplified Antenna Install


Posts: 125
Amplified FM antenna install

Purchased on Ebay.

Open fuel door and glove box
Remove cover plate for seat removal
Pop instrument cluster cover off (carefully) It is secured with 4 clips
Remove 4 silver screws and one black screw on the left near glove box to remove the console
You can do this without unhooking your electrical connections (switches and radio)
Cover all painted parts with towels to protect from scratches
Remove antenna wire from radio (it is the thin single wire with a rubber boot on it (see pic)
Tie wrap it to the rest of the radio cables
Plug in amplified antenna, route wires and find a power source
The one point to note is when routing wires place console back into position before you make final tie down locations for the wires. There is A LOT of extra wire with these antennas. I coiled mine up near the inside of the glove box area and located the box part of the antenna on a hidden shelf area forward of the console. I haven?t checked yet but it might be beneficial to string the antenna wire down under the seat area for better reception. I don?t know If that is the intent of the length or not, but it is doing what I needed from it so it wasn?t an issue for my install. This area is exposed with the console in place if you lean down and look forward and left. It seems to work fine for me.
I also wanted to control on/off for xm modulation reasons, which does not matter if you buy a FM direct wire kit, which I did. I purchased a small black switch from Napa that should be the same as any other mini rocker from other auto part suppliers. I had to use the dremel tool to shave about 1/8? of the length in the console opening to fit the switch. I powered it by using a wire tap on the hot side of the HID light switch. It is the Green with pink stripe (See pic, it may be a gray stripe, I don?t remember) wire and I should have used a blue tap instead of a red one due to the wire size?. Oops.

Reinstall in reverse order! (Just in case you got stuck here) 
I went ahead and installed my xm unit while I was at it and will post that install as well.

I hope this helps!

Feel free to email me in I can be of any assistance!
Disclaimer< I got the instructions for removing the console from someone on this site (thank you) I just can?t remember who posted it.
This has helped my reception greatly! It was worth the $23 on ebay for the Metra antenna. This is a one to one and a half hour project for most people I would guess. It can definitely be done in 30 minutes if you have removed your console before and know how it comes off.




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