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Turn On The Lighted Badges Without Turning On The Instrument Cluster
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Posted 2011-11-28 1:31 AM (#102308)
Subject: Turn On The Lighted Badges Without Turning On The Instrument Cluster

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I wanted to turn the badges on by themselves when parked at my favorite establishments at night. This turned out to be an easy modification. Anyone can do this. The factory wiring did not have to be altered in any way. I simply ran a +12V line to the existing plug in front of the seat. This plug is connected to the horn button, Powerlet plug in the glove box, and both lighted badges. I always wanted the glove box outlet to be live without the key anyway. Making the horn button live without the key is the way cars are wired. Common off-the-shelf parts were used and can be found at most auto parts stores except the diode as noted below:
-Add-A-Circuit $6.99
-Illuminated Rocker Switch $3.19
-Spade connectors (male&female) $2.70
-Ring terminal $2.50/assorted box
-18 gauge wire (your choice of color, but I used red for the hot lines and black for ground)
-Diode $1.79

Total = $17.17
If you have most of this stuff in your garage like me, it will only cost approx $10 for the Add-A-Circuit, Switch, and Diode.

1. Install the "Add-A-Circuit". I installed it in the radio fuse location. This way, if anything goes wrong 500 miles from home it will only be a minor inconvenience.

Note: Do not put the fuses in until you are ready to test.

2. Install the rocker switch in place of the factory dummy switch. Simply push out the old one and push in the new one.

3. Wire the switch. Run a wire from the Add-A-Circuit to the Power terminal on the switch using the spade connectors. Run a wire from the Ground terminal with a spade connector to the Vision frame with a ring terminal. I attached the ring terminal to the wire harness holder bolt that extends off the cruise control module bracket. Then run a wire from the "ACC" terminal on the switch to that cigar lighter accessory plug in front of the seat. YOU WILL NEED TO SPLICE A DIODE IN THIS LINE. Without a diode, the rocker switch will illuminate when the ignition switch is turned on regardless of the position of the rocker switch. A diode allows current to flow in only one direction. The easiest way to splice the diode is crimp female spade connectors on both ends then slide one end onto the rocker switch terminal. The other end will connect to the wire going to the cigar lighter plug. It is very easy to determine the direction of the diode. If the ignition key switch turns on the rocker switch light the diode is backwards. Disconnect it, reverse it, and reconnect it. It's that simple. When the ignition key switch has no affect on the rocker switch light the diode is correctly installed.

That's it! Yep, it's that easy. Installation time should be approximately 1/2 hour gathering parts at the auto parts store and Radio Shack. Then 1 hour to install.
(If you go fancy like me and solder every connection, use lots of heat-shrink, and run wire loom then it might take 2 hours.)
The factory wiring is not compromised in any way. The ignition key switch functions exactly the same as stock (the badges will light when the key is on). And, the whole setup can be removed and returned to factory condition in just a few minutes for warranty work, resell, etc.

No need to worry about accidently leaving the switch on and running your battery dead. The blue glare off the windshield while riding home will definately remind you to turn it off.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2011-11-28 2:34 AM

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