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Lyndall Rotors and Pads
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Posted 2012-03-05 3:21 PM (#109289)
Subject: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Looking to get the composite Rotors and Pads. Anybody have experience with these? Seen a couple of guys using the Lyndall setup but no review afterwards.

How is their warranty? etc?

The rear brake rotor is very loose and I know the front rotor is also jingling, which means it is getting loose. So, I can either go back with the Victory setup at:

Front x2 @ $160
Rear x1 @ $210

Those are the stock setup silver colored and all @ $530 + tax of $53 and new set of Pads for $138, total of $721. This is a local pickup at dealer.

If I wanted the 8 ball black rotors, then it is:

Front x2 @ $213
Rear x1 @ $216

This is the black rotors @ $706 plus pads $138, total of $844.

Calling Lyndall and talking to Paul, he is giving me an offer of $250 per rotor including brake pads, with a lifetime warranty. But I believe this to be his moving of old stock to bring in the new design. So, right at $760 bucks, gets me all the way around and pads. But to get the lifetime warranty you have to use his style of pad, which is a buck less than Victory OEM.

These are black inner and black composite friction ring. So, a totally black brake rotor that stays black. Pretty cool. Anybody here wanna give a thumbs up.

Having never dealt with them and know nothing of the company or folks thought I would throw this out there to see if there is any insight.

As usual, thanks fellas.

Edited by pollolittle 2012-03-05 3:22 PM
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Posted 2012-03-05 3:50 PM (#109293 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
how thick is his rotors?
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Posted 2012-03-05 4:23 PM (#109295 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Don't know!!
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Posted 2012-03-05 4:26 PM (#109296 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
when i had a 08 vision and my rear failed it said 7mm, then when i replaced it, it was marked 6.5mm
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Posted 2012-03-05 5:46 PM (#109303 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 4278
If your rotor is good. The manual will tell you thickness. You could maybe just replace the buttons and save $500 bucks
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Posted 2012-03-05 6:03 PM (#109304 - in reply to #109303)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
john frey - 2012-03-05 5:46 PM

If your rotor is good. The manual will tell you thickness. You could maybe just replace the buttons and save $500 bucks

damn you john!!! LOL where were you last year when i had to replace my rear rotor......
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Posted 2012-03-05 8:51 PM (#109317 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: RE: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles

pollolittle - 2012-03-05 12:21 PM Looking to get the composite Rotors and Pads. Anybody have experience with these? couple of guys using the Lyndall .


Hey Poo...

Funny thing I stumbled across this post... I to have been considering and alternative to the OEM.  I have seen them on and heard about them.

At a recent VMC meet I spoke to Kewlmetal Joe about them.  He was using theirs on his bike and had positive input about them...

My wifes XC has already had 1 front replaced early on and still one of them has a-lot of runout causing a pulsing front brake. ( Not Smooth)  & no she is not an aggressive front wheel braker that stands the bike on its nose..  Hmm wonder if anyone has done that?

Her original Kingpin had a bad rear that I replaced with an EBC and it was just fine

I was going to call them to but I see you beat me to it LOL.

The oem's have a steel inner ring as do the EBC brand. These have aluminum. Positive in the weight dept.

I have wanted to contact Galfer who is local to me and see what they have but demand is probably low.

My 2 Cents.















If they are lifetime guarantee where could you go wrong?

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Posted 2012-03-06 8:40 AM (#109337 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: RE: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 277
Apopka, FL
I had the Lyndall Z pads on my TC. Their gripping power was amazing, but the front pads "CHIRPED". Sounded like cicadas were in my wheel. Became annoying. But they stopped me very well. I understand this noise was common with their harder Z pads. Now Lyndall makes a Z Plus. Don't know what the "Plus" is all about. Maybe they fixed the noise. Lyndall pads + Lyndall rotors may be the ticket to no noise. Don't know.
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Posted 2012-03-06 2:40 PM (#109355 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Ordered them today, should be here before the weekend. Hopefully, so I can get them installed and test'em out over the weekend. WE SHALL SEE!!
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Posted 2012-03-07 1:33 PM (#109423 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Much better stopping power, and almost complete fade resistatnce. Ceramic is hands down WAY superior to steel rotors, and metal composite pads.
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Posted 2012-03-07 2:01 PM (#109425 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Thanks for the input, knew nothing about the product. Any experience with the company? Is the ceramic primarily a Racing application?
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Posted 2012-03-07 2:19 PM (#109427 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I'm probably well past a rotor replacement on front and rear. I'm going to buy a mic just to see what they are. I'd like to look into the ceramic ones, I've heard they are good, but pricey, I'm sure.
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Posted 2012-03-07 2:39 PM (#109430 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
vaolebuddyryder, I'm only considering these, since it is one heck of deal compared to his normal price. It's also $39 more than stock with the discount. Lifetime warranty, using his pads which are $1 LESS than OEM. You could also find them for less than that. Lifetime warranty, according to Paul (the owner), is if the rotor has any issues at all, wearing down, grooved, warped, etc. Then he replaces them. So, long as there is not metal to metal contact. I look forward to the adventure, they would look good on your bike as well. Yes, you probably are outside the minimum thickness allowed, I agree!!!!!!!!
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Posted 2012-03-07 3:57 PM (#109435 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Some light reading:
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Posted 2012-03-07 4:14 PM (#109436 - in reply to #109425)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
pollolittle - 2012-03-07 3:01 PM

Thanks for the input, knew nothing about the product. Any experience with the company? Is the ceramic primarily a Racing application?

Lyndall is a very good company with an excellent rep in motorcycle brakes. Ceramics used to be racing and super car only stuf, but technology, and competition has brought down the price over the last few year. Added benefit of reduced unsprung weight, and lower reciprocating mass make for a better handling, and more powerful bike!!
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Posted 2012-03-07 4:24 PM (#109438 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Wonder then, why more folks don't switch over?
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Posted 2012-03-07 7:34 PM (#109457 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I'll be switching when my rotors need replacing. If I can get the same deal you did.
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Posted 2012-03-15 10:59 AM (#110159 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Man, this post made it all the way to the end of the second page. I was kinda thinking there would be more interest. Should be finally getting the rotors and pads today. Anyone have an idea of how to test the ability of stopping better to see if there is a marked improvement for your cash. I got a couple of ideas but thought I would see what ya'll got. I'll see if I can upload some pics, haven't tried the U tube trick yet.
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Posted 2012-03-15 11:20 AM (#110161 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
seems to me you should be able to tell the difference by riding. I need to replace my front soon, so maybe this will be my option...ceramic and leather...
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Posted 2012-03-15 11:43 AM (#110165 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
One would think, but do you really brake as hard as you can everytime. I'm pretty lazy and just easily brake for the most part. So, I'll be trying to figure out a distance x speed to see if they really work that much better. Cause if you have to pay double the price over stock, seems you would want to see a significan decrease in stopping distance.

That would be the part I'm having wrapping my brain around. If I can already get the brakes to lock and slide then how will the ceramics help me stop any better. Is the material able to grab better and scrub speed before lockup?

Just trying to think outloud.
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Posted 2012-03-15 12:40 PM (#110169 - in reply to #110165)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
sounds like a science project, but I would think that the ceramic would work better overall in the twisties or coming off a mountain but not overheating as bad as metal.  Just a thought, and I can't offer any proof.  Also, ceramic should not wear as much, or so I think, making the price justified by lasting much longer.
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Posted 2012-03-15 12:52 PM (#110170 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Lyndall said since I got 40k on the pads, then I would get double or better for pad life. For the rotors, lifetime warranty on the rotors. He thought I shouldn't have to replace them.
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Posted 2012-03-15 4:41 PM (#110189 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Package by the door but the dog peed on it. Gonna let it dry first. Dang dog!
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Posted 2012-03-15 6:15 PM (#110196 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
What's the name of your dog, Harley?
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Posted 2012-03-15 8:35 PM (#110206 - in reply to #109289)
Subject: Re: Lyndall Rotors and Pads


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles
Came in a Harley box and his dog reacted!

Real interested how they work out for you I hope you post pics when you get them mounted...

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