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Posted 2007-10-09 12:08 PM (#666)
Subject: MP3

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
Hi. I recently got my Vision Street and it's better than all my other bikes! Does anyone know anything about the MP3 hookup? Can the MP3 be charged while it's playing, or do I have to keep recharging the batteries? I'm not too familiar with this technology- this is the first bike I've had with this feature. Just looking for a little info. Thanks.
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Posted 2007-10-09 12:20 PM (#667 - in reply to #666)
Subject: RE: MP3


Posts: 3204
The MP3 cord does not recharge your player. The i-Pod/i-Phone cable (optional) does recharge those devices while plugged in. 
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Posted 2007-10-09 12:57 PM (#668 - in reply to #667)
Subject: RE: MP3

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
Thanks. I appreciate it.
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Posted 2007-10-09 2:47 PM (#674 - in reply to #667)
Subject: RE: MP3


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Songfan - My ipod (hard drive) does not seem to work - I have read a couple of posts indicating the same thing - It seems you need a flash?? dive for them to work? Is there any fix for this upcoming? We have three Ipods in the household but they are all dard drive - Thanks for your comments-
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Posted 2007-10-09 3:24 PM (#676 - in reply to #666)
Subject: RE: MP3


Posts: 3204

Desert Jim,

There is a very hot thread over at the Victory Motorcycle Club website, Under Forums, Main Victory Forums, scroll down to find the one screaming about IPOD AND VISION WARNING!!!!!! Apparently the manual for the Vision states that it is set up for the iPod Nano and makes no other claims about compatibility with anything else. One of the guys, Hippo, is an Apple dealer and Vision owner and took an i-Pod classic out on a run with no ill effects. Another guy, Apollon, took an 80GB out for 150 miles and it worked fine but will be using a Nano just to be safe.

Whatever is happening, the hard drive versions are a crap shoot and if you have one that works ok you are probably lucky. The flash drives should be a no-brainer for reliability, regardless of the model. I don't know if there is any kind of fix or patch that would work but if it were me, I would try to personally get in touch with Hippo at that forum and pick his brain since he is both an Apple and Vision guy. Who knows, maybe you can get a good deal from him on some flash drive models.

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Posted 2007-10-09 3:44 PM (#678 - in reply to #676)
Subject: RE: MP3


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Thanks, I found it and am on it!
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Posted 2007-10-09 4:07 PM (#680 - in reply to #667)
Subject: RE: MP3

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
For the cable- would the ipod 30 in. cable (#2858097) be what you are referring to, by any chance?
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Posted 2007-10-09 4:43 PM (#681 - in reply to #666)
Subject: RE: MP3


Posts: 3204


The Victory accessory catalog shows it as PN: 2876116. "...connects your iPod Nano directly to the Vision console...", Victory, Brochures (below the Sign Up button), Apparel and Accessories, Page 6, item C. (Couldn't Copy/Paste the thread, sorry.)

Note: It says that this part requires PN: 2876143 which is the Audio Harness package (Same page - Item G. Not Shown) $49.99. This is a bit confusing because the description under Item G, the Audio Harness does not specify having to be used with the iPod cable.

Any clarification from you iPod guys out there? Did you need to buy the Harness along with the Cable?

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Posted 2007-10-20 3:11 PM (#953 - in reply to #666)
Subject: Re: MP3

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
O.K., I got it sorted out. Powersocket cable w/cigarette lighter end. Lighter adapter USB cable to MP3. Mp3 now charges while it plays and never has to leave its little compartment!
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-10-21 7:49 AM (#959 - in reply to #666)
Subject: Re: MP3

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Just an FYI, Hippo is also on these forums.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2007-10-21 3:05 PM (#962 - in reply to #666)
Subject: Re: MP3

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Ok guys, I'm new here (still awaiting my own Vision delivery) but I do know something about the ipods from Apple and their use on motorcycles. The reason that most people elect to use the ipod Nano on a motorcycle is that it is a flash memory based mp3 player, meaning that there is no hard drive that can get messed up by the vibration and jarring almost all motorcycles have and the vibration in particular with regards to cruisers. This is the same reason that Garmin came out with the Zumo series of motorcycle GPSs, it has no hard drive that can be messed up. My current rides are a 2003 Honda VTX 1800N with Hoppe fairing and Corbin saddlebags (for sale, email me for more info) and a 2003 Honda GL1800 Goldwing (Candy Red) that will be for sale once I receive my Vision.

BTW how do you post pictures on this forum, it's easy on VTXOA, I have my photos uploaded to free hosting website already, but how do you arrange the post display the images?
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Posted 2007-10-22 1:31 PM (#977 - in reply to #666)
Subject: RE: MP3

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
Lake Park, GA
Well ... I just had an Ipod Nano go kaput on the Vision this weekend. The nano won't even turn on now. The Nano had been working fine for the past year or so.

I just bought an iPod touch. We'll see how long this one lasts (I bought the extended warranty )

FYI: The touch is flash based like the Nano but also has a full web browser and the ability to connect to wireless Internet. I thought that this may be helpful instead of taking a laptop on bike trips to lookup food .. etc.

The iPod integration is a must for the sound system. For $50 you get complete control over choosing playlists as well as skipping though songs etc. Just the AUX input plug with an MP3 player will only give you control over the volume. I have a "Bike List" playlist setup for playing only songs I want to hear on the bike

All you need is the $50 cable. Simply unplug the connector for the existing cable and plug the new on in. No need to take your bike to the dealer for this. Its a 5 minute swap and then magically, your iPod responds to the Vision's controls. The cable also charges the iPod so there is no need to use the power port in the console.

Edited by sjavera 2007-10-22 1:47 PM
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