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$1 Vision Tour Pack Rattle Fix
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Posted 2012-06-19 8:44 AM (#117042)
Subject: $1 Vision Tour Pack Rattle Fix


Posts: 103
Duanesburg N.Y.
Trunk lid rattle??? Pretty rare on the Vision....I don't think so. So heres the fix for a dollar. I wish I could take the credit for this but it came from the truck driver Steve who drives all the victory bikes around for the demo days.

  1. Open you truck lid.

  2. Look next to your centering pin in the underside of your trunk lid and observe that there are 2 deep holes for the torx screws for the cover. stick your pinky in to the holes for no other reason other than you want to. Get a good idea of how deep it is with your finger as your tape measure is missing. Close the lid and ride to napa.

  3. Go inside and purchase one foot of fuel or heater hose that will go all the way up in to the 2 holes you just got your pinky stuck in and had to call the fire dept to get you hand unstuck. purchase some glue or silicone goop if you dont have any. Go home.

  4. Take the hose, cut it in half and jam it all the way up in the holes. right now the hose is too long. Take a new straight razor blade and close the lid slowly and see how much hose is too much and you start trimming the hose shorter and shorter. If you dont have a rqazor blade go back to napa.

  5. Keep trimming little by little untill the hose is long enough but not too long to act like rubber bumpers to stop the lid from bouncing up and down. when your are happy with the legnth pull the hoses out and add a little glue to thw hose hole and stuff the hoses bacj up in to the holes and close the lid and let sit over night.

  6. If you cut the hose too short repeat step number #2 and #3.

  7. I am using 3/8 silicone heater hose from work and I'm here to tell you it works and costs less than a buck to fix it once and for all.. You wont see it with the truck lid down and its not that bad with the trunk open.

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