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Lighted Trunk Emblem
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Posted 2012-07-20 6:22 PM (#119837)
Subject: Lighted Trunk Emblem

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 31
Las Vegas, NV
For those of you that are looking to install the lighted trunk emblem, I have found that this piece is not made to just simply replace the old victory emblem. The center threaded post is too long and will cause you to strip out one or both of the side threaded posts to try to make it fit perfectly. This being my second attempt with a new emblem, I had to reduce the length of the center threaded post by about an 8th of an inch and did this with a utility knife. After reducing the length of the post in the center, the piece fit perfectly. I am posting this as the first one I bought, I managed to strip out both ends of the threaded posts and went back to the local victory shop to be refunded. I was that disappointed that the new piece just simply didn't fit right into the old ones' location. But instead of being refunded, they decided they would need to take pictures of the stripped out posts and also send the piece back to victory to see if I could be refunded or get another piece. Luckily for me, victory decided to give me another lighted emblem piece. Their decision took a solid month. I would hate to see anyone wait on yet another victory decision. Hope this helps. The lighted trunk emblem looks great and the word VICTORY really stands out, especially in the evening time. Ride safely and watch out for the cages. Mike
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