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Real Quick Review
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Posted 2007-10-12 10:29 AM (#763)
Subject: Real Quick Review


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
I am a busy boy today, but I have put 80 miles on since last night.
Maybe it is all the weight up front between the battery & gas tank,
but this Tour turns really easy. I went around a traffic circle twice.
I went on on only clover ramp, and I did some turns in a nice
cement parking lot. My Goldwing takes a lot of counter steering,
but wiht the Vision, you just lean.

The Windshield: This is a saddly distorted piece of plastic that will
give you a headache if you look through it for more then 10 minutes.
I adjust it below eye level. I hope that is high enough to keep my
wife out of any buffeting. She is out of town. I promised her she
wil be the first in the passanger's pillion with me driving.

I am scared of over revving the Vision during its break in. It seams
to need to be up around 3,000 RPM before the power starts, and the
red line is 5,000. I try not to get over 3,000 too much for now.

The blue dash lights are really cool at night.

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Posted 2007-10-12 11:01 AM (#764 - in reply to #763)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
how tall are you?
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Posted 2007-10-12 11:31 AM (#765 - in reply to #763)
Subject: RE: Real Quick Review

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Thanks for the quick review. Please keep us posted on the A/B comparisons to your GL1800.

I also found the Vision easy to steer by just swiveling your hips.

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Posted 2007-10-12 12:29 PM (#766 - in reply to #763)
Subject: RE: Real Quick Review


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
I agree with all the positives of steering, comfort etc.-but - I also feel the same way about the windshield, that thing is very hard to see through. Everything is distorted and out of proportion. I have been leaving it down most of the time- Hopefully there is a fix on its way, I think it could be a safety hazard also-

Anyone else with the windshield problem??
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Posted 2007-10-12 1:27 PM (#767 - in reply to #763)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
was wondering how tall you were in reference to the windshield. No matter the weather, I prefer a high windshield which I can just "peer" over the top. Normal riding is in this fashion, and in F.O.D. conditions I just sit a bit lower.
i got hit by a "Black Jack" bumble bee in Hawaii once, with no windshield. My cheek swelled and I couldn't see out of that eye for 2 days. I learned to protect my grill and brain housing after that.
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Posted 2007-10-12 1:40 PM (#768 - in reply to #763)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review


Posts: 1350
Yes, I agree with you. All four demo rides showed me how nice the Vision handles.
In reference to the windshield, it appears that the windshield is curved. I am thinking that since there is no flat area were you look through this is causing the distortion?
As far as over revving, I would not be concerned. Remember all Victory engines are run through their paces at the plant before they leave. I tend to believe as long you aren't red lining you should be fine. I break in motors the way I have for years. Be nice to them but put them through their paces.
Good luck with your new ride.
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Posted 2007-10-12 2:13 PM (#769 - in reply to #768)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review


Posts: 353
Break it in like you stole it.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-10-12 3:47 PM (#776 - in reply to #763)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Thanks for the quick note Herb. If the windshield is indeed distorted, I believe that is a defect andd can be warranty'd out. It must pass DOT standards.
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Posted 2007-10-12 7:36 PM (#786 - in reply to #763)
Subject: RE: Real Quick Review


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX
When I test rode the Vision I noticed some distortion looking through the windshield but it was only along the top edge of the windshield. I did not notice any distortion looking through the windshield a quarter or half inch below the top edge. The distortion I was seeing seemed to be caused by the way the edge was formed and tempered.

Is this the same you are seeing or are you seeing distortion no matter where you look through the windshield?

There are a lot of places that custom cut this material and they can cut you a new custom windshield using the existing one as a template while making it wider, taller, shorter or putting a little different curve to it. Getting a custom one done should cost between $100 and $200 depending on who does it and what you want done.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2007-10-12 11:38 PM (#792 - in reply to #763)
Subject: Re: Real Quick Review


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
<p>When my windshield is up it is right below my eyes. The distinct curve along the top edge does indeed cause distortion when you look through it (just the top edge - not the main part of the windshield itself). I found myself moving my head up or down depending on if I was going uphill or downhill. Of course, I usually ride with it down as far as it will go, so no problem. I only raised it up all the way because it was about 50 degrees the other night and my wife was riding pillion. </p><p>My other bike has a Memphis Shades windshield that comes up to a couple of inches below my eyes. There is not a tremendous amount of curvature in the windshield, so it doesn't give the distortion. Also, the Vision windshield looks significantly thicker than the Memphis Shades, so that may have something to do with it. </p><p>Maybe some U-shaped trim along the edge of the windshield will help. I just try not to have the windshield all the way up most of the time.</p>

Edited by Lone Ranger 2007-10-12 11:40 PM
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