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HID Headlights
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Posted 2012-09-02 6:48 PM (#122778)
Subject: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
My PIAA NightTech bulbs are doing great but I've been checking around for the next time I have to do a bulb change and came across a set up to change both bulbs to HID for $70-What do you think?
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Posted 2012-09-02 7:00 PM (#122779 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 4278
you want to look close I think there car one pretty cheap from what I see
here are some higher price but I trust thih guy he is one of us
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Posted 2012-09-02 7:16 PM (#122782 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
specs look to be the same at 1/2 the price
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Posted 2012-09-02 9:41 PM (#122790 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
ByteN2it, that is the same kit I have on my bike. I have the 55 watt kit with the 6000k color bulbs. The color is slightly bluish. If you're trying to match the center factory HID get the 4300k color. I've had my kit for about a year now without a single problem.


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Posted 2012-09-02 9:58 PM (#122791 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Also, my kit doesn't "take a minute" to brighten up. It's an instant change from low to high beam.
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Posted 2012-09-02 10:24 PM (#122793 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Not trying to match my HID center driving light.
I'm looking to convert the two H4 halogens to 5000K hi/low HID.
Johnnyvision-Tell me these aren't the same kits-one is just marked up 110%-which one would you buy?

Edited by ByteN2it 2012-09-02 10:46 PM



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Big Steve
Posted 2012-09-03 5:28 AM (#122799 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 48
Cornwall England
That's an excellent price and a excellent find.
Do I take it that this will simply be a swap out for the regular H4 lights with the ballast boxs being stowed somewhere secure?
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Posted 2012-09-03 6:27 PM (#122854 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 4278
OK OK you got me.
Would like to see your right up on your install. Will spend my money there
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Posted 2012-09-03 9:49 PM (#122859 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
The 5000k will be real close to the same color as the HID factory light. 4300k is about the same as the halogen bulb color. The higher you go in color temperature the more blue the light gets.
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Posted 2012-09-03 9:56 PM (#122862 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
On a side note, when you install the bulbs make sure that when they pull in that the bulb pulls back in and up. When I first tried mine the bulbs pulled in and down and the high beam was all screwed up. The bulbs come with a special reflector on them for our bikes, but the bulb can be put into the reflector wrong from the factory. Just hook up some power to the 2 little wires (red and black) and cycle it to see which way it ends up in the reflector. Will save you a whole lot of headache before getting all back assembled. Believe me, I found out the hard way.

Big Steve: It is a somewhat simple swap out with a little wiring to do. You have to provide a power source for the hi/lo function to work. The bulbs pull back for the high beam.

Edited by atvtinker 2012-09-03 10:00 PM
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Big Steve
Posted 2012-09-04 2:10 AM (#122867 - in reply to #122862)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 48
Cornwall England

atvtinker - 2012-09-03 3:56 AM It is a somewhat simple swap out with a little wiring to do. You have to provide a power source for the hi/lo function to work. The bulbs pull back for the high beam.

Would that be a separate power source in addition to the one supplied by the original hi/lo wiring?

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Posted 2012-09-04 12:19 PM (#122899 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Yes. The hi/lo function is determined by the pull back action of the bulb. The original hi/lo function is powering two different elements in the bulb. All you have to do is find a power source. I ran my power directly to the battery. This way when I have my lights on and not running I can still swap to high beams. It comes with a fused lead and everything still has to go through the relay set-up provided. There are a couple of places up front you could tie into, I just never took the time to search them out.
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Big Steve
Posted 2012-09-04 3:11 PM (#122918 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 48
Cornwall England
Many thanks atvtinker for the info. I have an order in but they have problems sending it to the UK so I have a query opened with them. - Steve
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Posted 2012-09-04 9:20 PM (#122950 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
I hope they can get them to you. They usually have some in stock in CA so maybe they can ship them to you from there rather than from their warehouse. I know the second set I ordered for my friend came from their warehouse and it took twice as long to get them. Good luck.
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Posted 2012-10-06 10:59 PM (#124827 - in reply to #122782)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Update-high beam went out on my right side PIAA NightTech bulb the other day, lasted just over a year & 12,000 miles. I just ordered a HID kit that will make for a nice little winter project (just had our first taste of snow today) got the 55W 5000K H4 Dual Hi/low kit for $65 + shipping
I'll plan on taking a few pics of the procedure when I get to it-Brian
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Posted 2012-10-10 2:20 AM (#125007 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I just want a detailed write up (with pics) on the process used to install them. From what I'm reading, you have to disassemble the front half of the fairing. Not really sure I'm into that with my "skillz".
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Posted 2012-10-10 12:48 PM (#125030 - in reply to #125007)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
For me it's easiest so simply remove the tuppeware and pull the headlight module out (I wear a size 15 ring & 4XL gloves)-took me about an hour each way last time I did a bulb change-MM,I haven't messed with my stock HID driving light but I'm pretty sure once the module is accessable it would be a simple bulb change and mounting of the ballast. I had my original HID replaced when I noticed a piece rolling around inside the module-they replaced the whole module with a new one that I see now has a screw holding the shroud at the HID bulb. I'm going to all three headlights being HID and see how it looks. Removing the pieces to get at the headlight requires more patience than skill-get your service manual out or get you wallet out, your choice.
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Posted 2012-10-11 12:48 AM (#125055 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Service manual should be here tomorrow (Friday). I'll have to look at the pics and see if I'm up for it. If not, I'll need to find a decent shop who can do it.
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Posted 2012-10-11 4:53 AM (#125060 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 207
I changed the center bulb to HID a couple of weekends ago. Took me about four hours total. Did a search on this forum for threads with instructions and just followed along.
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Posted 2012-10-11 7:59 AM (#125064 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Direct me to those threads, please. I can't find anything although I may be been using the wrong search terms.
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Posted 2012-11-09 6:24 PM (#126447 - in reply to #125064)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Started the HID upgrade this afternoon and it's going well-I got the ddm H4 hi/low dual 55w kit in 5000K ($80 with shipping) Got the module pulled quite easy this time now that I know what I'm doing(20min/1beer) the bulbs just simply swap and plug everything together. Lit right up when I started the bike and the hi/low switch mechanically tilts the bulb so the light is constantly on just refocused. It's damn bright, I can still see them when I close my eyes. Just have to sort the wiring and get the mini ballasts mounted up inside the faring-it's going to be a cold weekend so I'll take my time and post some pics along the way. Brian





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Posted 2012-11-11 12:02 PM (#126537 - in reply to #126447)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Got a little further sorting out the wiring-got the ballasts & hi/low relays mounted - a few more flips of the wrist & I'll be ready for a test run and aim adjustment.




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Posted 2012-11-11 5:02 PM (#126543 - in reply to #126537)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Watched the Bronco game then out to the shop and finished the HID upgrade. The stock HID cyclops driving light now looks like a soft white 60w incandescent bulb compared to the new headlights. Hopefully I wont have to mess with the headlight for a good long while.


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Posted 2012-11-11 5:37 PM (#126545 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 457
Green Bay, WI United States
I am not sure about this replacement of stock vs HID bulbs but I currently get flashed to get off the brights with the stock bulbs on low and the center HID on. I like the idea of seeing and being seen but as my buddy said, "Meeting your Bike on the road is obnoxiousness". Looking for feedback, and as I have always said being seen on a bike is priceless.......

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Posted 2012-11-11 6:30 PM (#126551 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
If your getting flashed on low beam I would check the aim on your headlight. Night riding makes up a very small percentage of my riding but when I do I want the absolute best I can get and this is by far the best bang for the buck that I've found. I've heard the "it's illegal" arguments but technically so are my pipes so WTF- at least the deer will hear me coming I'll see them- & we'll all make it home safe. Brian
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Posted 2012-11-11 7:30 PM (#126556 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
Good job! I like it. I have a little under 40k on the clock and know they won't last forever. Anybody know how long the HID lights might last? Also, I have so much crap going to the battery now, I need to lighten it up a bit. But the real concern is, once I do this, I also want to use a modulator and I don't think those work with HID do they? I really like being seen, I could care less if it is obnoxious to cages. I want them to see me in the daytime before they turn left in front of me and am convinced that the headlamp modulator is the way to go. What is the best way to get both HID and a modulator? Just HID the 2 lights and modulate the third which I can turn off when riding in a group?

Edited by baadawg 2012-11-11 7:38 PM
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Posted 2012-11-11 8:58 PM (#126565 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
I'm sure modulators draw attention but I've never been a fan.With a HID headlight I would think having the cyclops driving light a standard switchable halogen with a modulator would be the way to go if that's what you wanted. Average life span of a HID bulb is 2,000 hours- I would guess most of us average 40-50 MPH that would make the life expectancy of a HID bulb 80,000 to 100,000 miles in a perfect world-we'll see.
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Posted 2012-11-11 9:53 PM (#126567 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Since a HID switches from hi to low with a motorized mechanism to physically move the bulb into a different angle, I don't know if it could do it quick enough for a modulator. Even if it could, that would be a lot of wear and tear on that mechanism.
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Posted 2012-11-17 6:21 PM (#127023 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
So my HS1 driving light burned out. I easily removed it, confirmed it was bad and put it in since local auto parts stores don't have it. I decided to get the PIAA HS1 HID conversion kit. Plug and play. I could not get the %##%^!!! retainer on with the PIAA bulb. WTH? Old bulb it goes right on. I even dremmeled some material of the new bulb. Wasn't gonna happen. I was sooooo close (2mm maybe).
Anyway I would not be beat and pulled all the GD bodywork and the headlight. I found something interesting. With the headlight assembly out I still couldn't secure the retainer.
I can't add photos from my iPhone, I'll do it tomorrow, but this is what I think. They assembly it by inserting the bulb than screwing the tab in place. If it is not tightened down straight there is almost no chance of changing the bulbs on the bike. I loosened the single Phillips head screw, turned it a few degrees and it went right on. I decided to check the other 2. Same thing.
It will make more sense tomm with pics.
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Posted 2012-11-18 1:11 AM (#127039 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Pics, PLEASE! This could be why I couldn't get my previous HID to fit. I really don't want to take off all the tupperware, but if that's what it takes, I guess I will.
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Posted 2012-11-18 6:48 AM (#127042 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: RE: HID Headlights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Here you go Monkeyman. I can email you the higher quality if you like.
Photo 1 is the PIAA bulb. It is stamped H4 despite being in the HS1 kit. It fits right in the housing. That is was not the problem.
Photo 2 is side by side, HID and HS1. The plastic base is slightly thicker than the stock bulb's stamped metal base.
Photo 3 is after I took a dremmel to the bulb. This did not help. The material was nowhere near the problem. Remember, the headlight is still on the bike at this point. Just going by feel this made sense to me. I was able to put the OEM bulb in and out in 2 seconds without any problem.
Not to be beat I took the whole thing apart. I REALLY didn't want to do that before I had my new horn and amp ready to install.
Anyway, after I got it out I still could not get it under the tab. I loosened the single phillips head screw and turned it a little. Photos 4 is before adjustment of the main headlights. Photo 5 is the HID bulb in place after I turned the retaining tab. Unfortunately you have yo take it apart to adjust the tabs, but at least there is a chance of doing it on the bike now.
After I rotated them a few degrees I could latch and unlatch all 3 with one hand. They are still very secure. I don't think they can pop out due to that slight adjustment.

Edited by cw1115 2012-11-18 6:55 AM



(unneeded mod.JPG)

(retainer tab 1.JPG)

(retainer tab 2.JPG)

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Posted 2012-11-18 7:18 AM (#127044 - in reply to #122778)
Subject: Re: HID Headlights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN

Thanks. I thought the problem was fitting the bulb in the socket, not the retainer. My problem with my previous kit was that I just couldn't get the bulb to fit the socket. Most of the bulb base (that fits in the hole in the reflector) is round but the bottom is flat. Seems like the HID I got didn't have the flat spot high enough. In other words, there should have been more flat. I'll post a pic of the aftermarket HID and a generic HID/H4 I found online somewhere.

If I buy another one, I don't know if there's enough material for me to be able to grind that flat spot bigger so it fits in the reflector. I don't want to grind the reflector hole at all as I'm not sure what that would do to the light beam. I assume the '12s have the same headlight reflector assembly as the rest so I doubt that's the problem but I honestly don't know. One of the reasons why I chose the Vision was for the HID cyclops light. I'm NOT spending $500 for the official Vic HID accessory kit. Just not going to happen.

Edited by Monkeyman 2012-11-18 7:20 AM
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