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Modding question
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Posted 2007-10-18 11:20 AM (#893)
Subject: Modding question


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Had the opportunity to see if I would get wet, yesterday. Surprisingly very little water made it to me. My hands were getting wet from water rolling over the top of the mirrors. Not a lot just enough to feel it through my mesh gloves.
However, there was quite a bit of water coming through the point where the bottom of the windshield and the from trim separate from each other. Push the windshield all the way up and there is gap underneath it. Where the water coming up on off the headlights just rolls right through this space, giving the face a lot of sprinkles constantly. Water rolling right across the dash. It seems to me there needs to be a flexible boot on it, kinda like the side windows on a car. There is the flexible rubber molding that lightly presses on the window and still allowing it to move. That would keep water from going up through this area. Any ideas?
The only thing I have come up with to use is velcro the base of the windshield and velcro underneath the front plastic in front of the windshield and then put a piece of fabric or vinyl with velcro to cover the gap and still allow the windshield to move.
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Posted 2007-10-18 12:49 PM (#900 - in reply to #893)
Subject: RE: Modding question


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
So you are saying the windshield all the way down doesn't let the rain through
but then too much over the top?
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Posted 2007-10-18 1:12 PM (#901 - in reply to #893)
Subject: RE: Modding question


Posts: 353
I seem to recall that the gap was purposefully left because in their wind tunnel testing it helped to divert the air up and over the rider.
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Posted 2007-10-18 2:22 PM (#904 - in reply to #893)
Subject: Re: Modding question


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I am sure it is there to allow air pressure in to help push up and over. I wonder if while they were doing their wind tunnel testing if they had someone with a waterhose spraying on them to see what happened instead of just smoke.
I put the windshield down just far enough to stop the water from coming directly through. Doesn't seem like I had very much coming over the top at me. It went more up and out than on me. I rode in about a medium rain for about 20 minutes and barely got wet. I am not trying to make this sound way worse. I was wearing a cranial cap and just had a little water on my face, and hands. I got wetter from a van next to me ran in the groove in the road and was spraying large amounts of water on me at about 50 mph. Surprisingly I only had a little water pepper my leg from the thigh down to my calf. It was so much water, that it covered the windshield to where I couldn't see out of it. I am still ecstatic about the amount of protection it did provide. The roads were wet, not water on legs, shoulder, body. Probably the amount of water I had on me when done might have dampened a small handkerchief. It was just weird large drops of water flying at you from between the windshield and front fascia.
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