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Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish
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Posted 2013-01-24 4:28 PM (#130009)
Subject: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 21
Has anyone used the Vistory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish.
Did it work well for you?
Did it work on the windsheild? Hard place to clean and not scratch?
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Posted 2013-01-24 6:30 PM (#130014 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
Remember to ALWAYS wipe the PLASTIC windshield only and gently, in an up and down motion. If you go in a circular motion, you will create micro scratches and swirls that will turn into big blinding sun blobs that cause vision issues and cause headaches.
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Posted 2013-01-24 7:04 PM (#130015 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 4278
I use my detailer the minuets I pull in the garage from a ride bugs come off way easier. I would not recommend and thing that is for chrome. Chrome is a very hard surface so the polish would scratch I think. Like wax has abrasive in it and will scratch chrome and for sure your wind shield.
I use meguiars detailer and no scratch;s. If are covered with bugs use a microfiber towel soak with hot water.
Use a microfiber towel for all polishing and never put it in the dryer with fabric softener. Fabric softener has a petroleum base to it.
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Posted 2013-01-24 8:17 PM (#130019 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
A laundry spritzer bottle filled with plain old drugstore Hydrogen Peroxide squirted on the bugs ASAP helps them in not turning into rock solid blobs along with a prudent wash job.
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Posted 2013-01-24 8:45 PM (#130022 - in reply to #130019)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 21
Hydrogen Peroxide is a Oxygenator that would be like using Chlorine. Ain't going to happen. I do beleive that attacking the bugs early befor they dry on is the best.

Thanks for the tip on the Micro Fiber Cloth.
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Posted 2013-01-24 9:57 PM (#130025 - in reply to #130022)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
FarmBoy - 2013-01-24 6:45 PM

Hydrogen Peroxide is a Oxygenator that would be like using Chlorine. Ain't going to happen. I do beleive that attacking the bugs early befor they dry on is the best.

Thanks for the tip on the Micro Fiber Cloth.

It's @ 3% solution from the local drugstore shelf (and in much higher concentrations like in the high 90%'s, is an oxidizer for rocket motors like on the BELL X-1) so it's not like pouring battery acid on your vehicle, I've used it for decades on bikes, cars, semi tractors (ever have to deal with Lousiana 'telephone bugs'?) and airplane cowls (fiberglass and molded plastics) and windshields (the same soft plexiglass used on motorcycles) and NEVER experienced any issues.
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Posted 2013-01-25 5:52 AM (#130031 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 1350
I use Novus.
It cleans really good and leaves a nice coating. I use #2. I even use it at work on EMI Plexiglass.

A good thing to do is take a wet towel and lay it over the windshield. The bugs soak up the moisture and come off a lot easier then use the Novus.
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Posted 2013-01-25 5:58 AM (#130033 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 599
New Mexico
I haven't used that specific Victory product, but all the other products I have used are excellent! The Instant Detailer, Engine Enhancer, and Spray Wax are all in my cleaning arsenal (along with several other products).

I carry the 'Spray and Wipe Instant Detailer for Windshields, Paint, and Chrome' in a small bottle on the bike for quick touch-ups on the road.


Attachments image.png (89KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2013-01-26 6:08 AM (#130092 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
I use PLEXUS. Originally developed for aviators but works great on mc windshields. Smells nice too!
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Prarie Dog
Posted 2013-01-26 8:07 AM (#130099 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 83
Bolivar Missouri
I have used Victoy instant detailer and polish from day one and take a small bottle on trips .
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Posted 2013-01-26 8:51 AM (#130101 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Lemon scent Pledge. Only problem is it attracts bees. Some of the generic lemony "Pledge" doesn't seem to attact bees as much but doesn't work quite as well. Either way, it's cheaper than the name brand, motorcycle only detailers/polishes.
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Posted 2013-01-26 10:25 AM (#130106 - in reply to #130031)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
RedRider - 2013-01-25 6:52 AM

A good thing to do is take a wet towel and lay it over the windshield. The bugs soak up the moisture and come off a lot easier then use the Novus.

Soaking the bugs does make them much easier to remove. I have always sprayed them with a water bottle filled with just plain water. Let it sit for 10 mins then wipe off. Your idea of a wet towel sounds good too. I will have to give that a try.

I have used Victory stuff with good results. I prefer the spray wax a bit more than the detailer, but they both work good for me.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2013-01-26 10:34 AM
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Posted 2013-01-26 12:52 PM (#130111 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
Laying the wet towel on the windsheild has worked for me for many years. (Motels must hate me). I then spray down with Plexus. Keeps a polish on the sheild, and makes for easirer bug removal. I use it on my glasses too. On another note, I saw a guy gassing up last summer, and he was going to town with the gas station bug remover, and then he used the squeegie. Not for me. I wonder what he is looking threw now?
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opas ride
Posted 2013-01-26 1:32 PM (#130116 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 500
Both Plexus and the Vic stuff work very well for me...As said above, I always clean the windshield after a ride or at gas stops if needed..Makes it much easier to clean bugs...A small spritzer bottle with 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water works wonders and is cheap...Just started using Pledge and it works fine for me.....If bugs are really noticed, place a wet towel on the windshield and let soak for a few minutes and "walla" much eaiser to clean.....
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Posted 2013-01-26 6:38 PM (#130135 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 4278
For all of you that travel
I put a warm water microfiber towel in a zip lock baggie and put it on the bottom of my saddle bag. It stay warm from the exhaust and road when you need to clean the windshield its better then any gas station thing
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Posted 2013-01-26 7:22 PM (#130137 - in reply to #130009)
Subject: Re: Victory Windsheild, Paint and Chrome Polish


Posts: 259
Land O Lakes, FL
I use either my McQuires Quick Detailer or Honda Polish (freakin rocks!) and a microfiber towel. Bugs don't stand a chance. Like many here I also wipe it down when I get home but I'm OCD like that lol.
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