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Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-04-17 10:11 AM (#135034)
Subject: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Fellow Riders,

I am having a lot of problems trying to get my 2013 VV into first gear.

Example: Waiting at a stop light I will shift the bike into neutral. I then attempt to down shift it into first, still staying stationary. Getting the tranny to go into first has proven difficult. I've tried rolling with the bike, upshifting into 2nd and then attempt to go down to first. Eventually I can get it to shift. fyi....I just received the bike on the 13th.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
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Posted 2013-04-17 10:34 AM (#135037 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois
WELL since any input is appreciated, I don't use neutral at all.
IMO, it's dangerous to sit at a light in neutral.
Before starting I pull in the clutch and back out of the garage and down the drive a few feet to work some oil between the clutch discs so the starter doesn't have to work so hard. This avoids the clunk into first that's so harsh when first starting, and also extends the oil change interval.
There may well be nobody that will agree with me on this subject but it IS "any input".

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Posted 2013-04-17 10:34 AM (#135038 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: RE: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Central Wisconsin

Check your clutch fluid, make sure the clutch bleeder is tight, possible air in the line.

Is the shifter excessively loose?

Since you just got this bike, you might have to go back to the dealer.

Edited by Thomas 2013-04-17 10:36 AM
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Posted 2013-04-17 10:40 AM (#135039 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I am on the same team I don't use Neutral at all except on the few times when it is to cold to start in gear. I like knowing that when I look in the rear view and see some half wit coming up behind me at excessive speed and I want out of the way I just pop the clutch and go. saved myself at least twice this way. Archie
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Posted 2013-04-17 10:59 AM (#135041 - in reply to #135038)
Subject: RE: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Thomas - 2013-04-17 10:34 AM

Check your clutch fluid, make sure the clutch bleeder is tight, possible air in the line.

Is the shifter excessively loose?

Since you just got this bike, you might have to go back to the dealer.

Since you just got the bike, I would suspect that the service department missed this in the initial setup and preliminary checks. I would have them look at it.

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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-04-17 12:03 PM (#135045 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: RE: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Thanks everyone!

Yes the shifter is very loose e.g. if you grab it by hand there is a lot of play.

I have to bring my bike in to get the reverse kit installed. I will have them check it then.

On another note....The weather has finally nice in CT. Wouldn't you know I pulled both sides of my lower back, yes I was using my legs, but I felt a snap on both sides and proceeded to drop to the ground. i'm dying to go out riding! Maybe a back brace, lots of icy hot and tylenol!
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Posted 2013-04-17 12:04 PM (#135046 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
Being a brand new bike, it should feel slicker than a $10 whore on payday. I'd take it to the dealer as well just to make sure.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-04-17 12:14 PM (#135047 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
love the analogy baadawg!
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Posted 2013-04-17 4:02 PM (#135057 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
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Posted 2013-04-17 6:39 PM (#135076 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 4278
For you that never use neutral when sitting at stop light or in stop an go traffic or parade riding,
Get ready for your clutch to go away some day. With the lever in while in one of these situations your creating massive heat in the clutch. The more the fiber plates heat up the closer they are to going away.
The hotter the day the quicker it will happen
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Posted 2013-04-17 9:24 PM (#135087 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
Easy Johnny. That is an argument from long ago when a throwout bearing on a car could lead to clutch failure by itself failing. Is there any evidence at all that the argument can be applied to a modern car or a modern multiple wet disc bike clutch? I drive a car with over 80000 miles on it and it still has a perfectly good clutch although I still use the clutch the whole time that I sit at a traffic light each and every time. Our old desires to preserve equipment are often over come by new developments in the equipment itself. If there is nothing in the specific bike's literature to avoid prolonged use of the clutch, there is no reason to give it much thought, just my own perspective here.
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Posted 2013-04-18 1:14 AM (#135098 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Wet clutch technology has not changed! If your sitting at a red light with the clutch lever pulled in, you are still circulating oil between the plates and heating it up the fiber disks as well while they are slipping and not engaged. Now granted most of the times we are not sitting at a red light for very long so there is not that much heating done as per say as when you're riding the clutch to keep it in the friction zone during creeping manuvers, but if you shift into neutral and let the lever out the disks are "closed" and nothing is slipping just empty gears turning. Now having said that, I still prefer to leave it in gear just like WillieByte for the safety fact of being able to make a quick out in case someone is fixing to hit you from behind.
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opas ride
Posted 2013-04-18 1:49 PM (#135122 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 500
I would like to know the real answer to this question...Any engineers out there with some hard data/facts that might shed some real info and not speculation on this issue......Thanks
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-04-18 3:22 PM (#135123 - in reply to #135122)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
One other point. When I start the bike in N and down shift into 1st there is a large clunk and you can physically feel the seat shake. Is this normal? Once again I will be bringing it back to the dealer.
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Posted 2013-04-18 3:50 PM (#135126 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
Our transmissions do clunk. Sorry, no analogy I can think of at this time. Wait, I got one, they clunk like a fat man sitting on a bar stool with one leg shorter than the others. Yeah, that'll work. Anyway, going into first is the loudest clunk, and a mechanic who works on 'wings recently told me the Victory transmission, for its clunkiness, is one rock solid transmission! I was having trouble finding neutral, and upgraded to a Barnett Racing clutch, much better! But my 08 is a different style transmission than yours. Yours has a neutral finder and helical cut gears. I'm not recommending you change your clutch, but I would let the dealer have a look at it.
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okie vision
Posted 2013-04-18 3:59 PM (#135128 - in reply to #135122)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
opas ride - 2013-04-18 1:49 PM

I would like to know the real answer to this question...Any engineers out there with some hard data/facts that might shed some real info and not speculation on this issue......Thanks

What was the question?
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Posted 2013-04-18 5:41 PM (#135133 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 4278
what is number 24 called


Attachments 11VGS.gif (6KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2013-04-18 8:05 PM (#135146 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
My Vision is clunky shifting into any gear. It is especially bad from neutral to 1st. I can't say it's difficult to find neutral though. I have heard over and over again from mechanics and this forum that the tranny is bullet proof regardless of the noise. Sounds like yours, Street Eagle, is more difficult than normal to find neutral. I agree with previous posts suggesting the dealer look at it. A mechanic needs to ride it to determine if yours is troublesome or it's just the typical Victory tranny.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-04-18 9:50 PM (#135154 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Thanks victoryvisiontour.....Its ok getting into N, its going from N to 1st
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Posted 2013-04-19 2:43 AM (#135159 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Are you taking it easy putting it in first? One thing I have found is you can't just lightly tap it to put it in first from neutral. I have always had to press harder than with any other bike I have owned including some of older dirt bikes I use to ride. But it has always been just that shift. If I go to second and then down to first it's just as easy as any other shift. And mine is an '08 and most of them are notorious for that.
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Posted 2013-04-19 4:13 AM (#135161 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
As remarked in this thread... our Vision's commonly "clunk" when shifting into 1st from neutral. I like to compare that action; with a quote from Captain Picard Scott (USS Enterprise):



Preface the shift into first with that command. You will look forward to shifting into 1st each and every time; with this mindset.

Edited by willtill 2013-04-19 4:17 AM
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Posted 2013-04-19 12:35 PM (#135171 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
The clunk is not from it being hard to get into 1st, clunk is clunk, and yes, you feel it in the seat. The levers and shifter on the Vision always seems a little loose, but there are few things that will make it hard to get into gear. The shifter bearing, not likely, because it is new, but it is a probability. Shfter linkage not properly adjusted. You can move the linkage by adjusting the turnbucke, see if that helps. Or just let the dealer look at it and let them take care of as they should have before it rolled off the showroom.

I love all of the "neutral" instructions. You can keep it in gear if you like or put it in neutral at a light. Keeping your eye out behind you is basic rider safety. Pull to the left or right of the lane if you are alone. When riding together, hope. There's no bad advice here, but there are myths, your clutch won't go up in flames if you hold your clutch into long, but your hand might...
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Blue Ice
Posted 2013-04-20 7:59 AM (#135189 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Billings, Montana
I don't care if it makes the clutch wear out quicker by having the bike in gear at a light. The safety factor of being able to move immediately if necessary far outweighs any clutch plate replacement costs.
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Posted 2013-04-20 8:51 AM (#135192 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 30
Better to wear a clutch over time then being dead. I never use neutral while stopped. Way too many snowbirds, texters, dumbasses here in AZ that can end it all. Only thing about my Vision that really bugs me are these awful mirrors. Worst design of any bike. Had to go buy the the corner mirrors so I could see behind me instead of my hands
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Posted 2013-04-20 9:46 AM (#135193 - in reply to #135034)
Subject: Re: Difficulty Shifting into 1st gear


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Clutches wear from friction! A fully engaged or disengaged clutch does not wear. It is that point of engagement that wears a clutch! The shorter time it takes to engage, the less wear you have! I myself engage my clutch is less than 3-4 feet. I however ride with guys that take as much as 30-40 feet to finally have their fingers off the clutch lever! Using your clutch to hold yourself on an incline also burns clutches. Or parade riding one has to slip the clutch. As far as the clunk, my '08 has clunked since day one, my Harley buddies clunk too, only thing is on theirs with the soft rubber mounts the cylinder heads rock back and forth 2-3".

Just sayin!!!!
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