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Change oil early or wait until 5k miles
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Posted 2014-07-31 2:26 PM (#163817)
Subject: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

Hey all, I am heading out to Sturgis next week and wondering if I should change the oil early or not.

I am at 2800 total miles on my 13 Vision and I changed the oil at 500, so only 2300 on this current oil change.

Heading to Sturgis next week, it is 700 miles each way for me plus riding for a week out there, I expect to put on about another 2000-2500 miles or so. That would still only put me at around 4300-4800 miles, still under the 5k listed in the owners manual.

Dealer told me to ride it and change it when I get back. I was thinking of doing that, or, maybe changing the filter now (and adding in what I need to top up) and then do a full change when I get back. 

What do you think, just leave it or change the filter before the ride? I guess I'm leaning towards changing the filter only before the ride and doing a full change when I get back... 

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Posted 2014-07-31 4:05 PM (#163821 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
If it was me, I'd go with the stealer's recommendation. Ain't gonna hurt your bike even if you go over a little 5K on this oil.
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Posted 2014-07-31 4:05 PM (#163822 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Double post

Edited by willtill 2014-07-31 4:06 PM
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Posted 2014-07-31 4:06 PM (#163823 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
I am going to agree with your dealer. Ride out there and forget about routine maintenance oil changes. They can wait until you are back. Enjoy your ride. I never had an oil early change on my '13 Vision and it is still working just fine at over 15300 miles.
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okie vision
Posted 2014-07-31 6:11 PM (#163830 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Just in case you need another vote, go enjoy Sturgis and change the oil when you get home.
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Posted 2014-07-31 6:26 PM (#163831 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 4278
if you run into hight temps like 95 and above change it out there. You can get oil from the Vic dealer in rapied city
There will be plenty of stop and go traffic so maybe you'll need to out there
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el spanky
Posted 2014-07-31 7:57 PM (#163837 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 155
Victoria Tx, TX United States
Enjoy your trip!!! It is ALL highway miles!! BUT If you change your mind the "companies" will be up there to do an oil change for you!!
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Posted 2014-07-31 9:50 PM (#163841 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
im going the other route.. there is nothing wrong with what everyone else said.. but my opinion is. you cant change your oil too early.. i mean what exactly are we talking about here.. the price of a oil change? for a $20,000 + bike? if you ONLY do the mileage you stated then ok no problem... but dealing with warranty /insurance (if you bought a extended warranty) and knowing how they Look for a loop hole... example. when i bought my 08 vision, i read the fine print and discovered they want receipts "proof" your oil has been changed. this proof must also have a date and mileage it was done and who it was done by.. it can be by yourself.. just have receipts.. so if you are not going to exceed 5000 mile by much then leave it.. but is there any chance you get out there and tag along with some couple hundred mile rides? i changed my oil early before i did sturgis in 2012.. my round trip was 4000 miles.. and i wanted fresh oil and a buffer for the mileage i was about to put on . if you want another reason to change it a little early think of all the break in material Not being fully flushed/drained out when the first oil change was performed.. either way.. you wont burst in flames.. your bike will live to ride another day... for me.. its the price of a old change on a expensive toy riding at one of the Hottest times of the year out west... when i was there in 2012 it was so hot every single day , and with all the riding we done. i used 0.6 qts of oil on that trip ... i never used oil since...

Edited by Arkainzeye 2014-07-31 9:53 PM
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Posted 2014-07-31 10:28 PM (#163848 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
You're way over thinking this!
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Posted 2014-08-01 5:39 AM (#163851 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 92
When I first got my bike I didn't change the oil until 1000 miles, I was having to much fun riding.
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Posted 2014-08-01 7:43 AM (#163860 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I say do what's in your brain, no need to not do it and then worry about it the entire trip. Peace of mind is worth a lot. I, normally, change mine every 7500 like a car. I have an 08 with a OCI of 2500. I have done that once, never again.

bbrist, what is a JAFO. First time I seen that. Been to OKC a bunch, wife's crew is from there.

Edited by pollolittle 2014-08-01 7:45 AM
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Posted 2014-08-01 8:07 AM (#163863 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
The reason I said what I said was. I have had 2 dealers tell me that (polaris) when asked to cover a customer potential warranty claim "if" there is a engine related issue will ask for maintenance records.... they did this at a dealer in Latrobe pa. Customers atv had some type of engine failure. They asked for the oil change records.. (with proof) customer claimed he did it. So what they did was actually send a used oil sample out to be tested. . In this case.. busted! Customer lied. It was the original oil!! Then the customer admitted to it.the point is first thing I was told is. Where's yours records. And like the above post said. Piece of mind. The fact that you asked this question states to me that you have doubt or uncertainty...... even though it's below 5000 Miles when you get back... will you still have this uncertainty when your on your trip. Will this be in the back of your mind.. if so. Change it and let go of that doubt. .. it's not like it's the price of a new rear tire or anything... it's only a oil change.
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Posted 2014-08-01 8:13 AM (#163864 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
yeah, what he said.
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Posted 2014-08-01 8:39 AM (#163865 - in reply to #163863)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
Arkainzeye - 2014-08-01 7:07 AM

The reason I said what I said was. I have had 2 dealers tell me that (polaris) when asked to cover a customer potential warranty claim "if" there is a engine related issue will ask for maintenance records.... they did this at a dealer in Latrobe pa. Customers atv had some type of engine failure. They asked for the oil change records.. (with proof) customer claimed he did it. So what they did was actually send a used oil sample out to be tested. . In this case.. busted! Customer lied. It was the original oil!! Then the customer admitted to it.the point is first thing I was told is. Where's yours records. And like the above post said. Piece of mind. The fact that you asked this question states to me that you have doubt or uncertainty...... even though it's below 5000 Miles when you get back... will you still have this uncertainty when your on your trip. Will this be in the back of your mind.. if so. Change it and let go of that doubt. .. it's not like it's the price of a new rear tire or anything... it's only a oil change.

Pretty sure that is a dealer thing as the Polaris dealers I have dealt with have never asked for maintenance records on any warranty claims. If they had I would have simply showed them the bird. They cannot legally turn you down for lack of records, but rather must prove that you were the cause of the failure. In the case of the guy that still had the original oil in his atv they did just that.
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Posted 2014-08-01 9:12 AM (#163866 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
Ok, thanks for the feedback. I am over thinking of course.
I bought the kit, and I'm going to go ahead and change it now mainly to make sure I clean out any of the leftover junk from break in. As has been said, it is just an oil change, 20 minutes and nice clean oil and no worries.
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Posted 2014-08-01 9:16 AM (#163867 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Yeah baby, that's what I'm talkin' about. Do what's on your brain, not someone else's, cause then that would be just strange. It would be like playing in someone else's toy box. Sure, there are some cool toys and oil changes, but not your oil change or your woobie. So change and ride on in assless chaps or whatever else make you feel special.
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Posted 2014-08-04 5:54 AM (#163938 - in reply to #163860)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 92
Just another F**king Observer
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Posted 2014-08-04 11:40 AM (#163948 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Ahh! Well it all makes sense now.
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Posted 2014-12-23 8:27 PM (#169185 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 5
On every new motorcycle, I change oil/filter at 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500...and then every 2500 miles after that. My bikes are meticulously maintained and I cut all scheduled maint mileages in half. Major piece of mind with records to prove it.
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Posted 2014-12-23 8:27 PM (#169186 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 5
On every new motorcycle, I change oil/filter at 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500...and then every 2500 miles after that. My bikes are meticulously maintained and I cut all scheduled maint mileages in half. Major piece of mind with records to prove it.
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Posted 2014-12-25 9:26 AM (#169200 - in reply to #163817)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thats complete overkill.. to change it at 100 miles? then 150 later? then 250 later? take about $$$ in the trash... there is absolutely NO benefit to do this... not only that.. but if a motorcycle came with a specific "break-in" lube, a lube the factory saw fit for how they want the engine broke in, now you drained it and filled it with something else.. there is more than a handful of guys on here with over 100,000 miles on their Victory with no excessive oil change interval.. one person has over 175,000 miles... as far as catching any small break in metals, this is the very reason for a oil filter. now not talking about bikes here. but i have seen and heard Cars where they actually strongly recommend NO oil changes until the first cycle of , mileage with the oil that came in the car was complete... and this is on NEWER cars.... there is a reason for this...
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Posted 2014-12-25 10:34 AM (#169201 - in reply to #169200)
Subject: Re: Change oil early or wait until 5k miles


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Arkainzeye - 2014-12-25 10:26 AM

thats complete overkill.. to change it at 100 miles? then 150 later? then 250 later? take about $$$ in the trash... there is absolutely NO benefit to do this...


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