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SENA Headsets SMH10 vs SMH20s
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Posted 2014-08-01 9:30 AM (#163868)
Subject: SENA Headsets SMH10 vs SMH20s


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

Quick review, I will update after an upcoming trip with 6 guys using these headsets.

SMH10 - Good headset

  1. Easy to install, and you can get different types of mikes based on your helmet
  2. Connected quickly to any device I tried to connect; GPS, Android phone, BT transmitter etc
  3. Speakers sound good, not much bass since they are little speakers
  4. Talking to pillion and/or other riders is good and clear
  5. Range is about 1/4 to 1/2 mile line of sight. 
  6. Group intercom, limited to 4 headsets

SMH20s - Great headset !

  1. Wow, what a difference in sound quality! Very impressed with the amount of bass from the upgraded speakers
  2. Conversation is even more clear than the 10 was
  3. Audio multitasking lets the music keep playing during an intercom session, it just lowers the volume for you
  4. Install was the same as the 10
  5. Microphone has been improved quite a bit, much less wind noise etc
  6. Added an "ambient" noise button, so when you are filling the gas tank etc and have your helmet on you can hear the conversations around you outside of your helmet !
  7. Double tap on your helmet near the device and it wakes up and asks you for a voice command
  8. Just say "hello sena" and she wakes up and asks for a command
  9. Range is supposed to be over a mile (2k) if only the 20s models are used, less if in a mixed environment
  10. Can connect to other brands of headsets
  11. Group intercom now expanded to 9 headsets!

So far, I really like the new version. We will be using them for the Sturgis trip, so 6 guys with 5 SMH20's and 1 SMH10. Should be a great test of how they work together (or not).

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