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Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid
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Posted 2015-09-08 12:26 PM (#174724)
Subject: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 122
Westchester Co., NY
Max Ness (Cory Ness' other son) combined the front of a VV with the rear of a Cross Country. It looks way better then I would have guessed. And you have the extra storage of the Cross bags. I found it on the Cyril Huze Post website. I don't know how to transfer the pictures directly.
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Posted 2015-09-08 2:08 PM (#174725 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: RE: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 154
Danbury, Connecticut
Johnnyvision posted that up a week or so ago with the link. There was a spam blast that pushed it down the page a little. Ness new vision/cc was the headline.
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Posted 2015-09-08 6:20 PM (#174728 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: Re: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 4278
guess you would be talking about this
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Posted 2015-09-08 10:38 PM (#174735 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: RE: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 190
I'm thinking that at the very least, this should be an optional way to go with the Vision. I've often wondered why Polaris couldn't, (or wouldn't) do something different with the saddlebags after 7 or 8 years, and this seems like a no-brainer to me.

If money wasn't an object, I'd do it and think it'd be money well spent.
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Posted 2015-09-09 7:54 AM (#174737 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: Re: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i would have to think.. there is A LOT more involved that just saying... swap that bags... and for what..? one of victorys worst selling bikes... (one of them.. ) Would this change instantly change the value / worth of the Vision? maybe increase sales.? I was at my local victory dealer a few weeks ago.. guy came in to look at a victory touring bike.. didnt know what he wanted.. he saw a X-country, and when the salesmen pointed out the vision.. he wouldnt even walk near it... he had Zero interest in that "weird? looking motorcycle.. so side from the bags. im guessing the entire rear light assembly would need redesigned (DOT APPROVED) then what about the trunk... leave it and risk it not flowing? or redesign that as well? all of which mean more $$$$ Victory has to spend on once again... a bike that failed their expectations in the market place...
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Posted 2015-09-09 9:30 AM (#174739 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: Re: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
I believe that the Vision and all other Victory products failed and/are failing is the Victory as a company has failed to make small but steady impact improvements to their products. Case in point the transmissions, the electronics especially the radio, and the fit and finish. Secondly Victory seems to go out of their way not to market their products. All of the other companies make impact refinements to their products which they tout in their advertisements, is, make a refinement put it on blast as a much have. Keep your products fresh without a revolutionary change and more evolutionary changes that don't require a lot of big bucks r&d yet bait the consumer into believing that it is a major improvement worth a new purchase. At this stage of the game, because of lack of incremental evolutionary improvements, Victory preety much needs revolutionary revamp of the entire product line to again be considered a viable option especially the Vision. If Victory doesn't start spending to improve it's product line it will slowly go the way of Excelsior Henderson.IJS.
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Posted 2015-09-18 5:55 PM (#174859 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: Re: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
All product lines need to be steadily improved on ( unless you're selling raw gold ). I agree Polaris could upgrade electronics, radios, info center and other small things. only time will tell.............The engine is fine as is, but one day water cooling will be forced upon them by EPA regulations and the quest for more power out of a certain displacement.
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Posted 2015-09-19 6:57 PM (#174870 - in reply to #174724)
Subject: Re: Max Ness and a Vision/Cross Country hybrid


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
yeah i think the weakest point in our bikes.. aside from storage is that damn radio... how long did the vision take to design? then it came out in 07 as a 08 model.. so your telling me in almost 10 years.. no technology advancements could have been done to this radio.. yeah a couple little lame features.. Hell im taking my vision to the shop tuesday.. why? i hope there is a software up date so my FM radio stops being over driven....(clipping) .. wanna have radio envy.. go to a Harley dealer..... look at those works of art.. (im talking about the radio not the ) color touch screens with gps etc etc... in almost 10 years. we got what.. monochrome screen thats about a wide as a stick of gum...
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