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Posted 2015-09-20 9:38 AM (#174875)
Subject: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 222
Barefoot Bay, FL United States

Hell, I can't even BEGIN to let go of the handlebars, and it starts a NASTY wobble that would turn into a tank-slapper if I didn't grab on with at least one hand. Not sure what's up wid dat!! I feel a slight wobble at very slow speed also. Hmmmm???


'08 Cherry Tour Premie

only 62K

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Posted 2015-09-20 9:56 AM (#174878 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: RE: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
witchbiker - 2015-09-20 9:38 AM

Hell, I can't even BEGIN to let go of the handlebars, and it starts a NASTY wobble that would turn into a tank-slapper if I didn't grab on with at least one hand. Not sure what's up wid dat!! I feel a slight wobble at very slow speed also. Hmmmm???


'08 Cherry Tour Premie

only 62K

Bad tire.

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Posted 2015-09-20 10:48 AM (#174879 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: RE: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
It could be the tire or stem bearings. Go the simple route and try the tire 1st.
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Posted 2015-09-20 6:16 PM (#174885 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 4278
just cause the tire looks good on the outside doesn't mean there isn't bad cords on the inside
check both tires
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Posted 2015-09-20 8:22 PM (#174886 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
What tires are you running, how many miles on your tires? If not the tires, then I would say steering head bearings.
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Posted 2015-09-21 10:40 AM (#174890 - in reply to #174878)
Subject: RE: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
rdbudd - 2015-09-20 9:56 AM

witchbiker - 2015-09-20 9:38 AM

Hell, I can't even BEGIN to let go of the handlebars, and it starts a NASTY wobble that would turn into a tank-slapper if I didn't grab on with at least one hand. Not sure what's up wid dat!! I feel a slight wobble at very slow speed also. Hmmmm???


'08 Cherry Tour Premie

only 62K

Bad tire.


I bet a dollar to a doughnut that it's a bad rear tire. The miles and brand don't mean much either. I've seen a tire start to separate and it caused just this issue on a Goldwing. It happened to be a Dunlop, but I've seen it with other brands too. Sometimes you get a bad tire.

That wobble at low speeds gives it away. That's the tire. It is probably separating on one side of the tread, causing a high spot.


Edited by rdbudd 2015-09-21 10:42 AM
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rainryder II
Posted 2015-09-21 3:14 PM (#174892 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 106
go darkside.
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Posted 2015-09-21 4:30 PM (#174893 - in reply to #174892)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

rainryder II - 2015-09-21 1:14 PM go darkside.


go WHITEside wall ...

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Posted 2015-09-23 10:30 PM (#175132 - in reply to #174893)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 222
Barefoot Bay, FL United States

It IS a white sidewall. Doesn't stop the wobble. How about a bent rim? Lovely roads in Maine, donchya know!!

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Posted 2015-09-24 4:47 AM (#175136 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 1350
Take the wheel off and have it balanced that will tell you a lot of stuff. Make sure to tell the person what you are experiencing first. Don't want anyone hurt.
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Posted 2015-09-24 7:42 AM (#175138 - in reply to #175136)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 222
Barefoot Bay, FL United States

All was done when tires were installed last year. Shop said nothing unusual showed up on balance tests. They are Bias ply though. They were all I could find in a WWW tire. As I sit here typing this, I don't recall the brand, but they are a well known one. I think I'll just go back to BW, since the WW is just one more thing to clean.

'08 Cherry Tour Premie


"Chrome IS a color!!!"

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Posted 2015-09-24 9:49 AM (#175142 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 271
Belding Michigan
I have had some bad tires on my bike and not have that happen and that is bad as I out of balance or broken cords I never let the tread get run down. All that said take a look at two things that not everyone checks the steering head bearings can be to tight or to loose. the other thing I would check is the swing Arm bushing. I had a wing that was my friends and when we finally checked if had the bushing worn so it was like a broken back. It caused a Tank slap. not readily apparent until you are on the road. Archie
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Posted 2015-09-25 9:54 AM (#175158 - in reply to #174875)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
I had a similar situation and it was the rear tire as well. I have not had any luck with these dunlap elite 3 and they are expensive.
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Posted 2015-09-26 1:13 PM (#175168 - in reply to #175158)
Subject: Re: TANKSLAPPER?!?!?


Posts: 222
Barefoot Bay, FL United States

Dunlop E3's are terrible!! There is almost no rain groove crossing over into the  middle of the front tire, and the distance between the grooves almost makes it a "slick". High speed in the rain??!!?!? Be very carefull. Also they make the front tire 'harder' in the middle inch to inch-and-a-half, so after 2-3k miles, the middle of the tire is sometimes raised 1/4" to 1/2" higher than the rest of the tire. When you take a turn, the bike "falls off" the higher center part and it feels like you've just driven off a railroad track. Can feel a little unsettling at best!!


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