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CB Radio & Bluetooth headset
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Posted 2015-09-30 10:48 AM (#175247)
Subject: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
I ride with a few Goldwings on occasion and they all use a CB radio for communication between bikes. I am looking for a CB radio that has the capability to hookup directly to my UClear intercom system. I would prefer a handheld CB radio. Anybody had success doing this and if so what are you using?
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Posted 2015-10-01 11:48 AM (#175257 - in reply to #175247)
Subject: RE: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I just use the factory CB on my Vision and talk to the Harleys and Goldwings in our group, and I don't know how to do what you are wanting with the Bluetooth gadgets.

Try these guys

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Posted 2015-10-04 9:44 PM (#175291 - in reply to #175247)
Subject: Re: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
I have looked extensively for a bluetooth cb, the only one I have heard of is from Sena. According to what I have read and the folks at sierra confirmed is that it will only work with certain handheld cb's and cannot be adapted to any others. You must also use Sena headsets to make it work. I also visited with some representatives of UClear at one of the rallies we attended this year and at that time they had nothing to offer either.

If you want a cb, either get yourself a J&M or try one of the handheld units.
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Posted 2015-10-05 7:54 AM (#175293 - in reply to #175291)
Subject: Re: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
DSmith - 2015-10-04 9:44 PM

I have looked extensively for a bluetooth cb, the only one I have heard of is from Sena. According to what I have read and the folks at sierra confirmed is that it will only work with certain handheld cb's and cannot be adapted to any others. You must also use Sena headsets to make it work. I also visited with some representatives of UClear at one of the rallies we attended this year and at that time they had nothing to offer either.

If you want a cb, either get yourself a J&M or try one of the handheld units.

Thanks for the information. Looks like I will just use hand signals for now. The convenience of the boomless UClear headsets is no worth losing for an occasional CB need.
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Posted 2015-10-05 10:57 PM (#175307 - in reply to #175293)
Subject: Re: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
lstayner - 2015-10-05 6:54 AM

DSmith - 2015-10-04 9:44 PM

I have looked extensively for a bluetooth cb, the only one I have heard of is from Sena. According to what I have read and the folks at sierra confirmed is that it will only work with certain handheld cb's and cannot be adapted to any others. You must also use Sena headsets to make it work. I also visited with some representatives of UClear at one of the rallies we attended this year and at that time they had nothing to offer either.

If you want a cb, either get yourself a J&M or try one of the handheld units.

Thanks for the information. Looks like I will just use hand signals for now. The convenience of the boomless UClear headsets is no worth losing for an occasional CB need.

My wife and I have used Scala riders for years and like you we started riding with others that use CB's. I actually have a helmet set up for both and it works quite well, I would think it would work great with the UClear's also, especially since the UClear's are boomless. We are planning on doing the same thing with my wife's helmet as she wants to be a part of the group conversation also. It will also save me from having to repeat everything back to her!
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Posted 2015-10-06 9:06 AM (#175310 - in reply to #175307)
Subject: Re: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
I sent an email to Sierra. I will let you know what they tell me. This shouldn't be that hard to do. It is not like Bluetooth is new technology.
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Posted 2015-10-07 3:49 PM (#175317 - in reply to #175247)
Subject: RE: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

Sena makes a bluetooth adapter called the SR10 that would connect a wired device to your headset, and has an optional wired PTT button:

I used this device to connect a 2-way radio (GRMS) and that worked ok.

Here is an article from a GL1800 rider who is doing the same thing you want to do with the CB:


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Posted 2015-10-10 6:15 AM (#175340 - in reply to #175317)
Subject: RE: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
ljurgens - 2015-10-07 2:49 PM

Sena makes a bluetooth adapter called the SR10 that would connect a wired device to your headset, and has an optional wired PTT button:

I used this device to connect a 2-way radio (GRMS) and that worked ok.

Here is an article from a GL1800 rider who is doing the same thing you want to do with the CB:


That's the same thing I was referring too, however the OP has UClear headsets already and supposedly this setup only works with the Sena headsets. If this setup actually works on a UClear or Scala headset I would like to hear about it.
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Posted 2015-10-10 7:51 AM (#175341 - in reply to #175247)
Subject: RE: CB Radio & Bluetooth headset


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

I had the SR10, used it for 2-way radio. It says it will connect to any headset, not just Sena. There may be limitations but Sena makes really good stuff.

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