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Vision for run arounds
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Posted 2015-10-03 12:13 PM (#175272)
Subject: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
Ok so I bought my 2009 Vision very late 2010 with every intention of doing some long haul riding and touring. Some medical issues, work issues and the fact that I own a 36 foot travel trailer have prevented me from doing those types of rides. I just got done reading a recent post about comparing the vision to other touring bikes. I know the answers to those because you all have repeatedly given your answer to that question over the years. When I began riding the Vision I just didn't want to ride the other bike in the garage which was an 02 V92C. Until I got the vision I would ride that bike and thought it was the best built bike around. Then the Vision came along and the 02 began to just sit in the garage. In 2012, I won a 2011 Hammer in an auction for an insane price. Couldn't wait to get that bike home. Vision was going to be for two up riding and the Hammer was going to be my run around bike. The Hammer doesn't get used. I have a 13 mile trip to work and the Vision is just too smooth and comfortable plus it has storage and wind protection that the hammer has none of. Granted I am 6 foot 3 and go 350 LBS, so I need a big bike, but I just don't think you can get a better handling bike, no matter what type of riding you do.

So how do you all like your Vision for just scooting around town? Short runs and basic transportation? Just thought I throw this out there as I do not remember a similar question being posted before. What are your thoughts?
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Posted 2015-10-03 12:29 PM (#175273 - in reply to #175272)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
I have commuted for years on big touring bikes like the Vision. I like them because I have to wear a suit and tie and the fairing protection makes it easy. I also enjoy the FM local radio station in the morning commute. Stashing the riding gear and helmet is easy too.

Just my .02.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2015-10-03 10:26 PM (#175279 - in reply to #175272)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
<p>I use my Vision for everything. Short trips, long trips, grocery shopping, commuting to work, and so on. I think nothing of it. It's my go-everywhere, do-everything vehicle.</p><p>Edit: I bought it in 2007 and have about 98,000 miles on it.</p>

Edited by Lone Ranger 2015-10-03 10:35 PM
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Posted 2015-10-04 6:34 AM (#175282 - in reply to #175272)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 207
I had other commuter bikes and decided to get a second VV because of the comfort level. One is set up for two up touring, number two I pulled the trunk off and run around on. Both 09's.
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Posted 2015-10-05 6:07 AM (#175292 - in reply to #175282)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Like lone ranger, I do everything short and long on the Vision. The things that make it great for long distance , make it great for short runs. 122,700 miles on my 2008 Vision.

Edited by jimtom 2015-10-05 6:07 AM
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Posted 2015-10-05 9:44 AM (#175294 - in reply to #175272)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 244
For errons & shopping that's less then 3 mile, I use the Burgman 400cc. Every thing is pretty close for me. Can't get the VV warmed up in that short distance stuff.
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Posted 2015-10-05 12:15 PM (#175295 - in reply to #175272)
Subject: Re: Vision for run arounds


Posts: 115
Katy, TX United States
I only have a 13 VV and use it for everything. No ride is too short or too long.
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