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Firstgear one piece thermal suit
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Posted 2015-12-19 7:47 AM (#176997)
Subject: Firstgear one piece thermal suit


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I bought this for my wife. We bought several pieces of gear and through trial and error eventually tried this one piece. She kept asking for a one piece and I finally started looking. After reading many reviews online, I felt this was the

one. It was on sale for $169 and she didn't want me to get it because she thought it was too high lol. I convinced her that if this was the end-all , it would be worth it. She used it for our trip to Raleigh and loves it! it only got to 48F but

she gets cold easily. She never got cold in this suit . She suggested I try it for commuting instead of combo of layers and electrics. This is the coldest day so far this year that I have ridden (22F) and let me just say, nothing gets through

this suit! I only had my jeans for bottom layer. For top layering, I had a short sleeve cotton base T-shirt, 1 long sleeve cotton shirt and a hoodie. This is what I am wearing at work right now. I love the simplicity of putting one thing on

then stepping out of it and be ready for the day. One and done concept. Not peeling off layer after layer. No electrics. I didn't even turn on my Vision heated seat. Let me repeat, nothing gets through this suit. No wind at all. the Heat

retention is like nothing I have ever experienced. It is also water proof but I have not had it in rain yet. The most common complaints from other reviewers was that 1. it didn't have holes to run your heated gear wiring to the bike. 2. It

didn't have zipper vents for milder temps. It doesn't have electric wiring holes because you don't need electrics. And on the 2nd complaint, I believe it is so good because it doesn't have built in zippered venting for potential cold to get in .

There is no niche in this armor. Speaking of armor, A few other reviewers wished it had armor. That would be nice but not a deal breaker for me. If you simply can't ride without armor , look into the underwear type armor . Others

didn't like that the shell has a finish that caused them to slide around in the saddle. I have not found that to be an issue. Can you move around? Sure. Are you going to squirt off the bike ? No.

Velcro is very strong over the zippers and pockets. You have to wrestle the velcro to get to the zippers and pockets. Legs zip up to the hip so you can get in and out with your boots on. It's pretty bulky and takes up pretty much a

whole Vision saddlebag when packed. Bottom line, we love it. I would buy again and I highly recommend. Oh, and we got it from

Very fast shipping. Very pleased with this company. You can check out the reviews on that link as well.


Attachments 2011-firstgear-thermo-one-piece-suit-black-grey-635575642452718542.jpg (20KB - 13 downloads)
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