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Any new Vision riders
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Posted 2015-12-28 7:26 AM (#177049)
Subject: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

When folks got their new Vision 8 years ago, this place was a buzz. So have just grown tired of our Visions? I know I haven't, I'm still amazed at the sure footedness and how it rides like its on a rail. Anyone new to riding and new to the Vision? Rest assured you couldn't have gotten a better bike. I still hear folks getting a Harley, just because its a Harley, you know. But you won't find a better ride than on a Vision. I just changed my oil for the umpteen time and it still doesn't use any oil significantly. I drained out about 4 and a quarter quarts and put in 4 and half quarts. I still don't check my oil, I just measure it when I drain the old oil out.

If you're new to the Vision, new to riding, or even an old rider, let's get the chatter going here of your experience.  I put on over 500 miles Christmas eve and Christmas day, what a present!

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Posted 2015-12-28 4:42 PM (#177054 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: RE: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I was just talking to my goldwing buddy today. Told him if I was in the market , it's highly likely I would buy a Vision again! I've never even wanted a succeeding bike to be identical to the one I have until the Vision.
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Posted 2015-12-28 5:39 PM (#177057 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 4278
The vic shop recommends 4 and 1/4 quarts cause to many overfill it. They say you're better off
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Posted 2015-12-28 6:39 PM (#177060 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Good tip, however 4 1/2 quarts works well in mine. I get as much of the old oil out so no overfill threats.
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Posted 2015-12-29 5:14 AM (#177061 - in reply to #177060)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
4.5 quarts is the requirement. that's why the oil change kits come with 4 quarts and the cute little half quart . I also never check my oil. I drain it, put it all in and forget about it.
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Posted 2015-12-29 6:59 AM (#177064 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
While 4.5 is the requirement, actually it is 5 quarts dry, if folks don't drain out all of the oil possible, then it can be overfilled when putting in the required 4.5 quarts. As we all know, overfill is worse than under fill, so it is a good tip to follow. I usually right the bike and hold it for a few minutes and then put it back on the kick for another half hour. It is always dripping still when I put the plug back in, but that is expected.
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Posted 2015-12-29 7:45 AM (#177067 - in reply to #177064)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I do it hot so it always drains properly. I do rock it a time or two. As we have stated, 4.5 is the standard , meets the oil level indicator mark perfectly every time. It's worry free , dump it in and ride. I'm done and back on the road in 15 minutes.
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Posted 2015-12-29 9:23 AM (#177069 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
back to the OP's original point of his message which if I read correctly was not about how much oil was needed in an oil change...

I'm fairly new to the Vision family. I've had mine a little over a year. I bought in in August of 2014. I have only put on about 15000 miles so far (damn winters!). I had been wanting a Vision for a while and am extremely pleased that I finally got one. Some of my friends give me a hard time about having an old man's bike but man, can this bike handle! I don't care about it being a full dress touring machine it is one of the best handling large bagger out there. When I get on my Jackpot now I wonder how I rode that as much as I did and how I did. The Vision is a dream to ride. I'm not sure what Victory or anyone else could come out with that will beat the Vision. I've test road Indians and while a good ride, fall short of what the Vision can do. I've done one Iron Butt ride so far on the Vision and compared to the two I did on the Jackpot it's almost cheating doing it on the Vision. Doing a 1000 mile day is easy on these bikes!
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Posted 2015-12-29 9:57 AM (#177070 - in reply to #177069)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Rowebote - 2015-12-29 9:23 AM

back to the OP's original point of his message which if I read correctly was not about how much oil was needed in an oil change...

I'm fairly new to the Vision family. I've had mine a little over a year. I bought in in August of 2014. I have only put on about 15000 miles so far (damn winters!). I had been wanting a Vision for a while and am extremely pleased that I finally got one. Some of my friends give me a hard time about having an old man's bike but man, can this bike handle! I don't care about it being a full dress touring machine it is one of the best handling large bagger out there. When I get on my Jackpot now I wonder how I rode that as much as I did and how I did. The Vision is a dream to ride. I'm not sure what Victory or anyone else could come out with that will beat the Vision. I've test road Indians and while a good ride, fall short of what the Vision can do. I've done one Iron Butt ride so far on the Vision and compared to the two I did on the Jackpot it's almost cheating doing it on the Vision. Doing a 1000 mile day is easy on these bikes!

You know, you're right. It is not about oil change habits at all, shame on you OP for bringing up oil and subsequent postings (of which we were in agreement) on your own post lol.

Glad you finally got a Vision Rowebote. Agree on all points of handling and unbelievable range and comfort while doing it. I thought the same thing, that Ironbutts are almost too easy on the Vision . Done a few myself. My wife even did a documented Saddlesore 1000 as a passenger. For a real ride challenge on a Vision , I had to step it up to the Bunburner 1500 and then the Bunburner 1500 Gold (1,500+ miles in less than 24 hours). that was a real challenge for me even on the Vision. It's something I'll never forget. I love challenge endurance riding as well as casual smell the roses type riding. Sorry if I made this about IBA rides. Didn't mean to hijack

Edited by jimtom 2015-12-29 9:59 AM
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Posted 2015-12-29 10:16 AM (#177071 - in reply to #177070)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
jimtom - 2015-12-29 9:57 AM

You know, you're right. It is not about oil change habits at all, shame on you OP for bringing up oil and subsequent postings (of which we were in agreement) on your own post lol.

lol, true and good point. I think JV brought up the oil part first tho.
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Posted 2015-12-29 10:18 AM (#177072 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
but at least we are getting some activity whether it's about oil, IBA rides or how awesome the Vision is
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Posted 2015-12-29 10:20 AM (#177073 - in reply to #177072)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
true my friend.
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Posted 2015-12-29 12:24 PM (#177081 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

I think my overall point is how reliable this bike is. While I've had to do some repairs and maintenance to this bike, the engine has been rock solid. Even some of the repairs have been self-inflicted. Even some mysteries have unfolded, like bike cutting off not being able to start it for about 2 hours, then starting without doing anything too it. That was a few thousand miles back, on my way to Sturgis. I've always consider riding the Vision as cheating when doing an iron butt, though I've only done one officially. A thousand mile day is like a 600 mile day on any other bike. While those who ride a Vision can't say enough about it, I'm glad the bike is "ugly" to most folks so that it is a rarity to see one. In fact, I'm seeing more Indians than I'm seeing Visions. While us older Vision-Riders have settled down in the chatter, I know there are folks like you, Chris, who bring a renewed vitality to the discussions. Welcome to Vision World.

Edited by varyder 2015-12-29 12:25 PM
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Posted 2015-12-29 12:29 PM (#177082 - in reply to #177081)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
i miss the old days when we all talked about our bikes here and the VMC all the time. Forums have been slothful for so long. The only time things get interesting is during model release. Thanks to all the other conversation starters and sustainers.
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Posted 2015-12-29 12:50 PM (#177083 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
I've been riding my Vision for over 6 years now. My guess is that anyone not completely satisfied with their bike after so long would be looking for something new by now. Rather, yesterday I installed a Kuryakyn luggage rack to further enhance how I can use the Vision. I continue to question why anyone would deprive themselves of this wonderful experience simply because it isn't made by or looks like a HD

Enough typing, I'm heading out for a ride!
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Posted 2015-12-29 1:49 PM (#177084 - in reply to #177081)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 62
Eagan, MN United States
varyder - 2015-12-29 12:24 PM

...While those who ride a Vision can't say enough about it, I'm glad the bike is "ugly" to most folks so that it is a rarity to see one. In fact, I'm seeing more Indians than I'm seeing Visions.

I agree with this. I like that the Vision is unique in it's styling and that it does not appeal to everyone. Personally I love it but can see why some people may not. With the fender recall we saw there were about what, 8000 Visions built? Not a lot. Figure that my '14 Nuclear Sunset Orange probably didn't sell a lot, there are at least 2 others in the Twin Cities area besides mine. Another guy in the TCVR bought one (he was going to buy the one I bought!) and I've seen another '14 running around. I have to figure that my bike is fairly unique in the larger scope of motorcycle numbers yet locally there are a few around! I have 45k+ on my Jackpot and very few of them were "gentle." I expect to put even more on the Vision. Both have engine work but I'm with you. outside of a few exceptions these are pretty bullet proof machines!
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Posted 2015-12-29 4:11 PM (#177085 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
I love my Vision best Bike made.
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Posted 2015-12-29 5:55 PM (#177087 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 4278
if you have not seen this video its worth the watch.
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Posted 2015-12-30 12:14 PM (#177091 - in reply to #177087)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Good little video, makes me think about things I need to check. Thanks!
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rainryder II
Posted 2015-12-30 1:41 PM (#177092 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 106
Since I got my 2010 Vision 8-Ball shipped up from TX last spring, I've put about 4500 miles on it. It still draws a crowd, even the Hog riders allow it's the spaciest thing they've ever seen, that blackout look is so popular the Honda F6B is still copying it, and the night series from HD is going strong too. They only made'em in '10 and '11, so they're rare as hens teeth and so striking in appearance I had to go out and buy a Batman shirt! Just LOVELOVELOVE this thing! I wonder how many were actually made, considering the scarcity of Visions in general...Got a bit under 13,000 miles on it, it may be the last bike I'll ever own as my main ride.

Edited by rainryder II 2015-12-30 1:43 PM
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Posted 2015-12-30 4:51 PM (#177095 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 119
My journey to the Victory world started in May 2013 with a sunset red Judge. I liked the idea of a 'muscle' bike and something about the sunset red color. Riding the Judge just didn't do it for me. Something was missing. I guess I just outgrew it. I made a low offer ($4500 off MSRP) for a leftover 2013 sunset red Vision in October 2013 and surprisingly it got accepted. This would be my 3rd bike and never did I think I would own 3 bikes. After I got the Vision, it changed my whole perspective as a rider. I just couldn't wait to ride and just keep going. I would ride hundreds of miles just to get a donut or a burger or just for lunch. On group rides with the younger crowd, guys couldn't believe I could keep up with bikes half the weight or more of the Vision. The best compliment I got was "That ain't no Harley."
After getting cams from KevinX, it's like having a whole new bike. The upper RPMs has awaken. I have about 20k miles on the Vision in 2 years and this is the 1st bike I've had with this many miles and it still calls to me to ride it. Unfortunately I have 2 other awesome bikes, so the Vision is called upon for the long rides of 150 miles or more. My FJR handles the intermediate distances and my Triple calls to my hooligan side. Life is good!

Edited by YENRABSRIDE 2015-12-30 4:52 PM
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Posted 2015-12-31 7:36 AM (#177097 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I keep thinking about getting a second bike, and I lean toward a Vintage, in fact I'm in the work up to order one, but haven't pulled the trigger. I keep asking myself why, because I will favor the Vision as long as it is running. I literally ruin my cars by not driving them regularly because I ride my Vision mostly. I don't like the thought of getting an expensive toy if I'm not going to play with it. I don't consider the Vision a toy though, any other bide would be, unless it was a replacement to the Vision. I do need to do a total shakedown which would take few months due to available time, so that might move me to get that second bike in the spring. We'll see.
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Posted 2015-12-31 9:17 AM (#177098 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
VA Beach
On Labor day weekend, purchased an Immaculate and low mileage, 2009 Vision tour premium ice blue wit CB, reverse gear and many extras. The engine was completely sock when I go it. Now it has a stage 1kit (without download) PCV, top filter, VM1 Cam, VTW. It is a completely different bike and I am loving it.

I purchased the bike to replace my 2007 Goldwing with 113K miles. Having accumulated 8K miles on the Vision, I believe it is a valid replacement for the Goldwing.
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Posted 2015-12-31 6:32 PM (#177101 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders

New user

Posts: 1
My journey to the vision began in 09 when I first started reading articles and reviews about this wonderfully different machine. My biggest obstacles were that I already had an 01 Concours and there is a self-imposed cash requirement. After several years of "more research" and saving, this past July I was finally able to purchase my new 14 Vision. It truly is everything I had dreamed and hoped it would be....and more. The comfort on long rides is remarkable, as I find myself having gone a lot longer in the saddle than I had planned. The stability is unbelievable for such a large bike. I also can't believe the waves and thumbs-up on the highway from cagers. The only thing I'm missing from my Concours is the 7.5 gallon tank, but I'm adjusting.
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Posted 2015-12-31 11:30 PM (#177102 - in reply to #177049)
Subject: Re: Any new Vision riders

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Cheyenne, WY United States
My Journey started with the first models. Saw them on display in a mall...Fast forward to a trip to Utah a couple of years later. Went to a shop with a colleague that rode a Victory. Sat on a Vision as I thought it was the best looking bike since the 68 350 Honda scrambler or perhaps a BSA 441 Victor. Man the reach to the front seemed like a carrier deck. Two years later I'm out antiquing with the wife...thinking I can't tell the boys THIS is all I did on a Saturday...sooo we stop in the local Vic shop. I don't see a red one so I'm about to leave and the salesman says we got two back here....a Cross Country Tour and the Vision Tour. Wife sets on the back of both and says....We're leaving with the Vision....I ain't so sure what with spending that kind of money an all.....Darned if she didn't get her way.......Now I never imagined such a large bike could ride like a sport bike. As I've said, they'll probably bury me on one. ;-)
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