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Awwwww, crap
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Posted 2016-02-08 5:23 AM (#178679 - in reply to #178671)
Subject: Re: Awwwww, crap


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States - 2016-02-07 1:22 PM

Just watched this, laughed all the way through. great video
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Posted 2016-02-08 5:35 AM (#178680 - in reply to #178666)
Subject: Re: Awwwww, crap


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
huts'putt - 2016-02-07 12:29 PM

Let me ask this question, how many have actually rode a new Indian? I've ridden both, and loved the ride on both of them. But, for me and the wife, the Indian is the more comfortable ride. And it actually suits my riding style better. I've had sport bikes in the past and they just didn't do anything for me, guess I'm more the cruiser type rider. When I ride, I don't have to push the limits of the bike to enjoy it. Love enjoying the scenery when riding, and both the Vision and now the Roadmaster both fit the bill for me and the wife. You see, I enjoy taking the wife with me, and if she's not comfortable, neither am I, and the RM fills that need better than the Vision did. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have a street Vision for the times when I feel like a rebel (lol), and just hop on and go. Maybe in a couple of years I'll get another Vision just for the purpose I just stated. Everyone on this site, with the new riding season coming, be safe, enjoy your bikes, and live to ride another day!

I have ridden it and loved it. My wife is comfortable on the Vision (she has done an ironbutt as a passenger, Amarillo to Gadsden, AL in 19 hours and some change), she rode the RM with me and was just as comfortable for our short demo. The only mark against the RM for her was she was looking at the back of my helmet. On the Vision she is higher and looking over me , has a better view. She also remarked her knees were too bent on the RM, I know it has adjustable passenger boards , maybe they had a lower position , I didn't look. Maybe I'll be like my friend , Kevin Kaytoo and have 2 Visions and an RM one day Double Vision is coming..........
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