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New oil stuff
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-02-09 6:05 PM (#178702)
Subject: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
So I changed my oil in my 2010 VV 8-Ball using Rotella as per a post on this blog, and it was okay, I ran 2,053 miles and never missed a shift unless it was my fault, same with finding neutral, no issues, the bike enjoyed leisurely cruising. So 200 miles ago, I changed it again, only this time using Quaker State V4 JASO-MA2 rated oil which I found for $5.99 a quart at O'Reilly's. It didn't say anything about being semi-syn on the bottle, but because of the rating (and the price) I took a flyer. What a difference! The scoot is now sooo much smoother, shifts as close to butter as this gearbox ever has, and it really literally woke up the performance dramatically. I am VERY surprised at the difference in performance all across the board. So no more Rotella for me, and this stuff even subjectively feels better than the $9.00 Semi-Synthetic I had used before. I suppose it's going to grenade on me on the way home tonight, but the way it feels right now, I'm totally groovin' on it! This is by far the best oil I've ever used in it, although I've never used Amsoil because some have written about clutch issues (even though others have not).
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-02-10 1:18 PM (#178704 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
And is it just me, or has anyone else inadvertently honked the horn when trying to cancel a turn signal, because their thumb slipped off the button? Very embarrassing. And annoying. I may


Edited by rainryder II 2016-02-10 1:22 PM
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-02-10 1:19 PM (#178705 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
And is it just me, or has anyone else inadvertently honked the horn when trying to cancel a turn signal, because their thumb slipped off the button? Very embarrassing. And annoying. I may sell it.


Edited by rainryder II 2016-02-10 1:19 PM
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Posted 2016-02-10 3:14 PM (#178707 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
not lately, but you would have to start a horn thread...
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Posted 2016-02-10 5:48 PM (#178716 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 4278
stop jumping around with different brands of out. For sure you'll screw up the clutch plates. Stay with one and only one
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-02-10 6:44 PM (#178717 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
I'm wracking my brain but for the life of me can't think of a mechanical reason for the bike to have clutch issues as long as JASO-MA or MA-2 is met...Rotella really caught me off guard, with the performance drop, but the Quaker State is my new go-to...Why, is the semi-syn an issue? What the hell is semi-syn, anyway? Wouldn't one quart of syn and one quart of conventional oil do the same thing? Iknow this has probably been hashed over somewhere, but nobody's posting on this blog anyway, si I might as well piss some people off.
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Posted 2016-02-10 8:34 PM (#178719 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I use Lucas 10-40 semi-syn blend
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Posted 2016-02-12 2:43 AM (#178723 - in reply to #178719)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

HUH? Change .... oil ??? What is that - something you use to keep your skin from peeling ??? What has that got to do with a VISION ??? My Vision is "Just Ride - let the 'others' worry about how" Life is TOO SHORT to waste it doing things OTHERS can do. PAY THE MAN .......... and RIDE !!!

Or spend the time you CAN'T ride ---- with the Co-Pilot <grin>


Attachments DSC01085.jpg (86KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2016-02-28 1:56 PM (#178994 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 319
Why don't you just use Vic oil and forget about it.
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Posted 2016-02-28 5:05 PM (#178998 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 4278
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Posted 2016-02-29 11:30 AM (#179007 - in reply to #178716)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
johnnyvision - 2016-02-10 5:48 PM

stop jumping around with different brands of out. For sure you'll screw up the clutch plates. Stay with one and only one

why would changing between Brand A,B, & C when ever you want, screw up your clutch plates? As long as the oil is certified for the application?? Ive done this with every single motorcycle, i have owned ever.. even the 2011 i have now.. i have used in it, Victory oil, mobil1 mc oil, amsoil mc oil and now Redline mc oil.. my clutches never knew the difference... now my transmission gears knew a difference! it loves the redline stuff.. but in my case all the oils i have used were Motorcycle related oils. not automotive oil.. just saying... not making any claims..
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Posted 2016-02-29 5:54 PM (#179013 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 4278
its not the oil but the attives that each brand has. They all have different ones
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Posted 2016-03-02 7:49 AM (#179029 - in reply to #179013)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
johnnyvision - 2016-02-29 5:54 PM

its not the oil but the attives that each brand has. They all have different ones

Can you show me the technical data on isolating the differences in the additive packages of each oil? I imagine you have this if you're making this statement.

Also by the way, if you go on to the manufacturer's web sites for this motorcycle oils they show that they are compatible with other oils meaning mixing brand A and brand B does not create toxic waste inside your engine, nor does it do any other harm. You can't honestly believe that the American Petroleum Institute would allow this?! If somebody juggles between different brands of oil on an oil change it will take the engine self destruct it will not dissolve the clutch plates it will do no different then if you were on a motorcycle ride traveling multiple states and you needed to get some oil to top off with. You're not going to throw a rod, you're not going to bend a valve , and the motorcycle gods will not reach down from the heavens and rip you off your bike because you decided to not stay faithful to one brand for the rest of your life

Edited by Arkainzeye 2016-03-02 7:54 AM
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-03-04 1:35 PM (#179116 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
I think I saw a vid by Teacher about the difference between peanut and coconut oil...
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el spanky
Posted 2016-03-04 9:51 PM (#179121 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 155
Victoria Tx, TX United States
OIL THREAD!!! YES!!! I'll take some popcorn and a Coke Please!!
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Posted 2016-03-05 1:02 PM (#179123 - in reply to #179121)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
I'm from Canada. I use Humpback blubber, seriously!
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-03-07 2:32 PM (#179150 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
HAHAHA! He said hump...
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Posted 2016-03-09 4:07 PM (#179170 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
damn Canadians!!! Oh, hold on?
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Posted 2016-03-15 11:39 PM (#179292 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Still using and liking my 3 qts Brad Penn m/c 20W/50 and 1.5 qts Castrol full syn RS V-Twin 20W50 at each change. I call it a 'premium home made semi-syn'.
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-03-16 1:50 PM (#179298 - in reply to #178702)
Subject: Re: New oil stuff


Posts: 106
Very good-homemade semi-syn was a question in my mind.
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