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40 Amp Breaker
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Posted 2016-02-14 4:26 PM (#178755)
Subject: 40 Amp Breaker

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 26

Hello All

I have to change the 40 amp breaker on my 09 ViVi. I am looking to hear any ideas, suggestions, stories that might make getting access a bit easier...



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Posted 2016-02-14 6:08 PM (#178756 - in reply to #178755)
Subject: Re: 40 Amp Breaker


Posts: 4278
no easy way to get at it. Look at top of battery and just behind it is a black plastic pin. Pull pin and that plastic cover that covers the breaker will come off.
Now you should see the breaker. NAPA sells them for around $7 bucks. p/n 7823116
UNHOOK the ground on the battery FIRST
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Posted 2016-02-14 7:17 PM (#178760 - in reply to #178755)
Subject: Re: 40 Amp Breaker

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 26
thanks for the info Johnny

I actually changed it 4-5 years ago.... but these day I have a great memory just short.... LOL!!

Looking st it I will have to take a few things apart, which can be a pain at first, but, when its done it was fun.

On the upside... I will have things apart to try to fix a few of the things that did not get installed correctly after a dealer had at it...

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Posted 2016-02-15 7:41 AM (#178768 - in reply to #178755)
Subject: Re: 40 Amp Breaker


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Being of not so sound mind and an even worse body, why did the breaker fail and more than once ? I is an old electrician (43 years in the trade to date and still providing for the "less fortunate" and while I have seen my share of equipment failures, breakers on any system typically only fail if they are cheaply made.
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Posted 2016-02-15 7:58 AM (#178769 - in reply to #178755)
Subject: Re: 40 Amp Breaker

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 26
<p>I was hoping no one would think to ask this... LOL!! This time it is no great secret why... I was rigging up a new plug for new gps. I had it all back together and could not leave well enough alone when I noticed that one of my pins was not quite right... So I took everything apart, corrected the issue, and was about to reassemble everything when I thought ... yes I should test one more time before I button everything up. While testing I shorted out the plug... never being one to do thing half a@@, I blew the 40 amp breaker. Or at least I hope that is all that I have done... once I make the first repair, I am hoping this fixes everything and not just a coincidence... If not, it's back to the wiring diagram for more de-snagging/spark chasing.</p>

Edited by GericaRM 2016-02-15 7:59 AM
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Posted 2016-02-15 8:52 AM (#178770 - in reply to #178755)
Subject: Re: 40 Amp Breaker


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Sorry to have aired the laundry so to speak. I let the smoke out of some wires last week. Sometimes you just have to burn it clear. 😋
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