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Opinions please
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Posted 2016-02-17 11:34 AM (#178804)
Subject: Opinions please


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
I have a low mileage 2014 Vision. I live in God's country about 3500 feet in elevation and on a dirt 92nd rock road with steep grades and virtually inaccessible by Vision. Sooo, I keep my Viz in an unheated storage unit nearer to town. I have always changed my oil either on time or before. I have never had an issue with oil degradation or engine issues associated with running any bike with oil that has been sitting in such conditions and I have lived in the Great white North with bikes.

The Rocket III that was traded in on this Vision used the same stall and I changed the oil well before intervals, 6 quarts of full 4T racing synthetic to match Triumph specs. It went to auction and subsequently had a catastrophic engine failure (it blew up they say) with about 38,000 on the clock.

Now I worry about the acids that can form from long periods of inactivity. We did ride January 1st but not since. I can afford oil changes but not engine failure. I do check the dipstick to look for condensation in the oil.

Change it ? Opinions ?
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Posted 2016-02-17 12:14 PM (#178805 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: Re: Opinions please


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Sounds to me like you're trying to make a connection between your maintenance & someone blowing up an engine. I'd say the two had nothing to do with each other. There are too many variables once the bike's out of your hands. Relax & keep doing what you're doing and you'll be fine.
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Posted 2016-02-17 2:46 PM (#178807 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: RE: Opinions please


Posts: 154
Danbury, Connecticut, For peace of mind, get an oil sample kit from these guys. Next time you do an oil change, send off a little and they will tell you where you stand. My Vision is an 09 with 2500 mile intervals and I sent a sample to them with 3600 miles on the Victory brand oil right before I switched to the new Amsoil Victory/Indian oil so I had a baseline reference. With 3600 miles they said plenty of additive package left-go to 5,000 mile intervals. The basic test is $28, $10 more to test the TBN(total base number-additive package) Cheaper if you prebuy a six pack of test kits.
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Posted 2016-02-17 4:09 PM (#178809 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: Re: Opinions please


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Excellent fellows. I am and have always been meticulous on my maintenance even at 18 with a close to basket case Bonneville. I don't push my machines to extremes either. I ride them like I stole them sometimes but still well within normal design parameters. No red line monkey business. Thanks for the testing lab tip. I'll use it.
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Posted 2016-02-17 5:33 PM (#178810 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: Re: Opinions please


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
I love my mountain house, the remote location suits me. The degree of difficulty in reaching my home discourages most humans, the signs that say "I will shoot on sight" stops the rest. Mountain goats would love it here. I am surrounded by bear, deer, turkey, bobcat and the occasional coyote. Quiet solitude. I would prefer to have my bike close at hand so I could tinker but, I'll take what the good Lord has seen fit for me to have including all of the wonderous places I have to ride my Vision. I finally have two of my favorite things close at hand. Freedom and privacy. Thanks Lord. If y'all get up here around Asheville, Maggie Valley, Gatlinburg give me a holler. I'll ride out to see you.

Keeps the comments and suggestions coming. I run the Vic oil and will stay with that while the warranty is in effect. I want to change out my pipes for Witch Doctor baffled. Add some Lloydz goodies and,open up the airway a bit. No cams (yet 😄 )

Edited by 2016-02-17 5:35 PM
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Posted 2016-02-17 5:43 PM (#178811 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: Re: Opinions please


Posts: 4278
if its cold 40 degrees and below and you can't ride don't start the bike for the heck of it. Condensation forms in the motor and in the gas.
If you're going to start the bike go for no less than a hour ride. Here in Minnesota when it gets cold we let the bikes sit in garages that are 10 above.
If you change oil put in new oil within a half hour so you don't get air lock.
Hope your only putting in 4 and a 1/2 quarts. Even a little les is just as good
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Posted 2016-02-18 8:05 PM (#178825 - in reply to #178804)
Subject: Re: Opinions please


Posts: 196
Asheville, NC
Thanks Johnny. Been riding since about 73 so common sense applies to most things. This V Twin stuff is new to me though. I spent a year outside Silver Bay and another year and a half near Cannon Falls. Thought the only Polaris you boys ride have tracks and skis. Great fishing up there. Tough guys up there.
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