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IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628
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Posted 2016-03-19 11:20 PM (#179350)
Subject: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Blanchester, OH

Does anyone know if the above two IPOD cables are the same?
I have a 2010 Vision Tour Premium, and the 2010 Catalog indicates that 2877195 is the correrct IPOD cable for my bike. I have conducted an internet search for that part number and only found one for sale, over in the United Kingdom. That one for sale looks identical to the 2878628 that can be found on ebay, Amazon, etc. However is does not indicate it will work on a 2010.

Also, should my bike have the additional plug in for this cable under the console somewhere?

The wire I currently have in the glove box is the accessory wire. I can play the IPOD using that wire, but I want to be able use the radio controls to control the IPOD. 

I have seen and downloaded Radioteacher's article on this issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Posted 2016-03-20 3:47 PM (#179354 - in reply to #179350)
Subject: Re: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Cheyenne, WY United States
The correct cable is - pt# 2878628 (for 2010 and newer visions). You can get it here: Victory doesn't list 2877195. They do list the 2877197 which is the extension.
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Posted 2016-03-21 7:44 AM (#179356 - in reply to #179350)
Subject: RE: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Blanchester, OH
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Posted 2016-03-21 6:44 PM (#179366 - in reply to #179350)
Subject: RE: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Cheyenne, WY United States

Didn't say but the cable on the bike (if you have the 3.5 mm aux already) is "attached" to the aux "bundle". If not you "should be able to get at it under the pull off panel in front of the seat. Either way if you  have the AUX 3.5mm you can pull the rubber plug out into the glove box and fish the 4 wire plug through the hole, unplug  the aux cable, plug in the IPOD cable and refit the rubber plug.   I can't seem tp add a picture but the wire colors with a 3pin plug and 4 pin plug are - 3pin green, yellow, blue - and the 4 pin is brown, black, orange, purple. Note you may need to go to the dealer and get your radio "updated" once you add the IPOD. I'd try it first regardless. I will say the IPOD is well integrated and works great with the radio. Hope this helps.


Ride on!

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Posted 2016-03-24 10:16 AM (#179492 - in reply to #179350)
Subject: Re: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
The 2877195 is for the older iPod models through Gen 4 I believe. The other is for the newer iPods because of the way Apple changed the charging side of the connectors. If you try to use 2877195 with the newer iPods it will play through the radio, but it won't keep it charged.
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Posted 2016-03-29 12:25 PM (#181628 - in reply to #179350)
Subject: RE: IPOD CABLES: #2877195 & #2878628

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Blanchester, OH

1. Discovered that part #2877195 was replaced by part #2878628. (Same cable)
2. The "Bundle" was under the console. (the 4-pin connector had the black plastic protective cover)
3. The Ipod works great, can control it with buttons on handlebar & console, song name appears in display.
4. Did not have to have an update to the radio.

Thanks for those who responded.

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