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Posted 2016-04-14 11:27 AM (#182147)
Subject: Battery


Posts: 83
Springfield Mo.
If I ever meet one of these Victory designers or engineers, I'm going to shake their hand for making a bike that I love to ride, then I'm going to throat punch them for putting the battery where they did and making it such a pain in the coccyx to remove and replace. By the way, don't ever loose that little square nut that is in the battery post that you screw in to. Nobody has one and you'll end up with a nut on the grinder to make one, I know.
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Posted 2016-04-14 11:36 AM (#182150 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
My battery is 4 years old and let me down (luckilly at home) the other day. Partly my fault - I was trying to see how long I run my LEDs without issue. The bike had sat about a week before my test and sat about a week after my test without being started. I've brought it back up to full charge and am watching it. In the meantime - I've been researching what it takes to replace it and Wowzers!
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Posted 2016-04-14 4:13 PM (#182153 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 83
Springfield Mo.
It's a pain. I put some pigtails on this battery so that I can hook up the tender more easily.
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Posted 2016-04-14 5:36 PM (#182154 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 4278
It sounds like you should not have tolls. If you want a square nut I have some you can have or go to aftermarket shop they probably have some
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Posted 2016-04-15 7:43 AM (#182174 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
I just changed the battery in my 08 last week.
I read the procedure and it sounded like a lot of work when it was right there..turns out there was JUST enough room to sneak it out and slip the new one back in without taking all that stuff apart. The change took me about 5 minutes. It looks like it wont fit, but push a little bit to slightly flex the cowl and there is just enough space to get it out. The new one went in easier, gravity helped I think.
Now she cranks faster, and the battery doesn't die if I leave the radio on for 30 was clearly time for a new one, I think it was the 08 original that I removed! I replaced it with the exact same Yuasa YUAM620BH YTX20HL-BS battery, ordered from Amazon $86 was the cheapest that I found, it was identical except that it didn't have Polaris stamped on it in addition to Yuasa.
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Posted 2016-04-15 8:16 AM (#182178 - in reply to #182174)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 70
Indianapolis, IN United States
mike721 - 2016-04-15 8:43 AM

I just changed the battery in my 08 last week.
I read the procedure and it sounded like a lot of work when it was right there..turns out there was JUST enough room to sneak it out and slip the new one back in without taking all that stuff apart. The change took me about 5 minutes. It looks like it wont fit, but push a little bit to slightly flex the cowl and there is just enough space to get it out. The new one went in easier, gravity helped I think.
Now she cranks faster, and the battery doesn't die if I leave the radio on for 30 was clearly time for a new one, I think it was the 08 original that I removed! I replaced it with the exact same Yuasa YUAM620BH YTX20HL-BS battery, ordered from Amazon $86 was the cheapest that I found, it was identical except that it didn't have Polaris stamped on it in addition to Yuasa.

Great information! I need to order a battery and am still debating which one I'm going to get.
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Posted 2016-04-16 4:05 PM (#182308 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
Like mike721 said, I just changed my 08 battery for the exact same Yuasa. I can't complain about 69,000 (s)miles I got out of the battery. If it last half as long as the original I'll be happy.

Edited by kenhiggins 2016-04-16 4:07 PM
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Posted 2016-04-17 1:38 AM (#182443 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Just going into my 9th year on the SPCSHP - and still on the original battery (and never had a problem in 8 years). All is still working fine, so - I remember my favorite saying as a Computer Programmer for 50 years .... "DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE".
I will replace it at the FIRST sign of problems .... oops, sorry ...... The DEALER will replace at FIRST sign of problems ....

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Posted 2016-04-17 3:42 PM (#182450 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: RE: Battery

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Cheyenne, WY United States
Harbiejoe - 2016-04-14 11:27 AM

If I ever meet one of these Victory designers or engineers, I'm going to shake their hand for making a bike that I love to ride, then I'm going to throat punch them for putting the battery where they did and making it such a pain in the coccyx to remove and replace. By the way, don't ever loose that little square nut that is in the battery post that you screw in to. Nobody has one and you'll end up with a nut on the grinder to make one, I know.

Right on dude. I got a couple of bones to pick with those nimrods. I love my Vision but.....Good stuff on the nut. Last thing I want on a grinder is my that would hurt
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rainryder II
Posted 2016-04-25 2:20 PM (#182571 - in reply to #182147)
Subject: Re: Battery


Posts: 106
Watched the youtube vid on changing the batt in my '10 VV 8-Ball and thought Holy Smalloly! But once I got down there and started fooling around, it slid out without taking anything fairing-wise apart. It took some finger strength, was all, because it's rather awkward. New one went right in, I turned around so my head faced the back, and with one of those free little flashlights from Harbor Freight, could see that the tabs fit back in the holes, put the bolt in the top to hold it, hooked up the wires, along with the new pigtail from Gerbing for my electric coat and it was so easy and quick, it almost takes longer to write about it than to do it. 6 years on a bike battery is swell in my book. NAPA wanted $199.00 and two days to get it, the local dealer in Bremerton wanted $120.00 plus tax, so for $133.00 I was rockin'. And it was the factory unit. These batteries are heavier than snot. They really got extra plates in them. NAPA had an AGM battery also rated at 330 Cold Cranking Amps with 18 hour @ 10 amps, same as factory for $99.00 plus tax, but I don't know anything about AGM, and for 30 bucks went with the factory unit. All in all, besides the fact that the battery died at all, it wasn't that bad. The bike clearly loves me, it failed soft-i.e., at home! Didn't strand me.

The real proof in the pudding? I don't think I even swore at it during the whole R&R!!!

Edited by rainryder II 2016-04-25 2:24 PM
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