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Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working
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Posted 2008-11-26 10:29 PM (#24038)
Subject: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX

Hey team while riding home this evening my cruise control, heated grips and seat stopped working. It is like they all share one fuse and the fuse is blown but I cannot find a fuse for these items. I checked the fuses in both fuse boxes and they all look good. I checked the service manual and it doesn’t indicate that any of the fuses in either box is related to any of these items.

Does anyone have any ideas as to where the fuse or relay for these items is located? Any ideas what else it could be?

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Posted 2008-11-26 11:19 PM (#24044 - in reply to #24038)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Take a look at your rear brake light switch and see if maybe your brake lights are staying on whenever your cruise isn't working. I had many instances after buying the Vision that the cruise control would work normally and then not at all. One morning (when it was still dark) while checking the bike before pulling out of the driveway I noticed that the brake lights were on and would NOT go out no matter how many times I cycled the pedal/front brake lever. Took it in and sure enough the brake light switch had taken a dump. It was replaced and the cruise has worked perfectly ever since. As for the heat I'd pull the seat off and check to see that the connector is tight, I had mine off a while back and didn't get it good and tight and had no heat until I pulled the seat back off and reset the connector properly. Hope this helps.

Ride Safe, Ride Often!!
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Posted 2008-11-26 11:56 PM (#24046 - in reply to #24044)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX

Thanks for the information Rick!

I check the brake lights and they are not on and are working fine but they could have stuck while I was driving. I will check them out in the morning again. I was studying the wiring diagram in the service manual and noticed the cruise control is tied to the brake light switch.

My heated seat and grips were working fine, I stopped for an hour, started up again and they would not work. The power cable on the right grip has got a short in it that causes the heated grip to cut in an out so it might have finally blown a fuse but I can’t find a fuse for it. My dealer has a new right grip on order for me under warranty. They are closed tomorrow but will be open on Friday and will be able to fix it if I don’t figure it out by then. 

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Posted 2008-11-27 1:51 AM (#24050 - in reply to #24038)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 1324
So Cal
There is a chassis relay and fuse that controls all of these. The relay is energized by the ignition switch. The fuse is in between the relay output and cruise and heaters. Sisconnect your shorted heater before replacing the fuse.
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Posted 2008-11-27 11:04 AM (#24084 - in reply to #24050)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX

cjnoho - 2008-11-27 12:51 AM There is a chassis relay and fuse that controls all of these. The relay is energized by the ignition switch. The fuse is in between the relay output and cruise and heaters. Sisconnect your shorted heater before replacing the fuse.

I seen this on the wiring diagram but I can not find the fuse on the bike. Do you know where the fuse is located on the bike as it is not in the fuse boxes?


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Posted 2008-11-27 11:37 AM (#24088 - in reply to #24050)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX

I found the fuse and it is in the fuse box. It was the Chassis 20amp fuse in right fuse box. I checked it last night and it looked fine but this morning in more light I could see a fine break. I replaced the fuse and that fixed it.

Thanks for the direction cjnoho!

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Posted 2015-10-26 10:01 AM (#175472 - in reply to #24050)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
cjnoho - 2008-11-27 1:51 AM

There is a chassis relay and fuse that controls all of these. The relay is energized by the ignition switch. The fuse is in between the relay output and cruise and heaters. Sisconnect your shorted heater before replacing the fuse.

This sounds like my issue as well, the heated grips and seat either work, or don't work, from one ride to the next. I think it's the relay, does anyone know where the relay is physically located? Is it in the same fuse box as the chassis fuse for the grips?

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Posted 2015-10-26 5:33 PM (#175477 - in reply to #175472)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working


Posts: 4278

Turk - 2015-10-26 10:01 AM cjnoho - 2008-11-27 1:51 AM There is a chassis relay and fuse that controls all of these. The relay is energized by the ignition switch. The fuse is in between the relay output and cruise and heaters. Sisconnect your shorted heater before replacing the fuse. This sounds like my issue as well, the heated grips and seat either work, or don't work, from one ride to the next. I think it's the relay, does anyone know where the relay is physically located? Is it in the same fuse box as the chassis fuse for the grips? Thanks!

I don't have my owners book handy but you could look in there 

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Posted 2015-10-29 7:47 AM (#175498 - in reply to #175477)
Subject: Re: Heated Grips - Seats and Cruise Control not Working

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
johnnyvision - 2015-10-26 5:33 PM

Turk - 2015-10-26 10:01 AM cjnoho - 2008-11-27 1:51 AM There is a chassis relay and fuse that controls all of these. The relay is energized by the ignition switch. The fuse is in between the relay output and cruise and heaters. Sisconnect your shorted heater before replacing the fuse. This sounds like my issue as well, the heated grips and seat either work, or don't work, from one ride to the next. I think it's the relay, does anyone know where the relay is physically located? Is it in the same fuse box as the chassis fuse for the grips? Thanks!

I don't have my owners book handy but you could look in there?

I believe I located it, pulled it, and took it to NAPA. They cross referenced three different part numbers, all of which appeared identical, and had the same specs. Picked one out, and put it in the RH fuse box. Time will tell if this solves the intermittent problem.

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