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vision lighting issue
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Posted 2016-08-05 11:20 AM (#188003)
Subject: vision lighting issue


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
This morning I arrived at work early enough to be on time but a few minutes later than my usual arrival time. I parked the bike and being in a hurry, I hit the kill switch, dismounted, removed helmets, gloves, and glasses throwing them into the trunk while grabbing by work bag. I remember hitting the radio button to shut it off and removed the key while turning and walking towards the entrance and placing the key in a pocket in my workbag. 10 mites later, a coworker told me my lights were still on. I reached into the bag, to make sure I didn't forget the key and told him that he was wrong. We went out and sure enough the dash, radio and lighted side badges were on? I instead the key and turned it, it moved freely and then turned to the off position. lights went out. I did this a number of times and just returned from a ride at lunch. everything is acting normal without issue.

I am glad that I was told or else I would have a trained battery, it helps that we start at 5 a.m. and someone saw them on. Has this happened to anyone else? can anyone explain how or why this happened? just curious and I'll be more careful when running a little bit behind schedule.
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Posted 2016-08-05 5:41 PM (#188006 - in reply to #188003)
Subject: Re: vision lighting issue


Posts: 4278
so you pulled key out with it in ignition accessory position.
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Posted 2016-08-06 6:54 AM (#188019 - in reply to #188003)
Subject: Re: vision lighting issue


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Try that on your bike... pull the key out of the accessory position..
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Posted 2016-08-06 7:29 AM (#188020 - in reply to #188003)
Subject: RE: vision lighting issue

Central Wisconsin

On my 2009, the key pulled out of the acc position, the dash lights stayed on along with power to the radio. (have no lighted badges)

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Posted 2016-08-06 9:32 AM (#188022 - in reply to #188003)
Subject: Re: vision lighting issue


Posts: 219
Pittsburgh, PA
I have tried to replicate this event at every dismount without luck, thankfully. I shouldn't be possible. I was just sending out a heads up that it did in fact happen and now we know that it happened twice. Not sure how long the battery will last with badges, radio and dash lit up, but I don't think it would have lasted 6 hours until my lunch break. Again thanks to my co-worker that alerted me.

I have heard stories about older harley's having keys pop out of the ignition during rides, in fact during my motorcycle safety class, they actually suggested that every rider carry a spare key in their wallet for just such an occurrence. This is not likely to happen with the top mounted key position on the vision but what about other side mounted victories?

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Posted 2016-08-06 5:41 PM (#188026 - in reply to #188003)
Subject: Re: vision lighting issue


Posts: 4278
my spare keys is duct taped inside front panel
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