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Posted 2016-12-21 9:52 PM (#190192)
Subject: Switches


Posts: 190
So on my way from Fort Worth to southern Texas a couple weeks ago, I noticed that when I shut my bike off...then turn the kill switch "on"...the fuel pump (I'm assuming that's the noise I'm hearing) doesn't always kick in when I turn the kill switch back "off" to start the bike up. There's no problem if I leave the kill switch alone when I shut the bike off...the bike starts back up fine as usual. THEN...I ride up to Austin just for the ride and my turn signals start acting up as well. I hit the left turn...fine...then try to turn it off and it goes over to the right turn or simply doesn't quit flashing as well. Weird...but maybe normal with 58,000 miles on it. I'm not impressed but that really has no bearing on the matter.

Look's like I'm ordering at least the left side switch module.
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Posted 2016-12-22 4:32 AM (#190193 - in reply to #190192)
Subject: RE: Switches


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
not normal. 147,500 on my 08 and turn signals still function as expected. I never used the kill switch at all. I always shut it down by the ignition key only until recently. Mine is now getting tough to get into neutral once I get where I'm going (sometimes) so I have abandoned my habit of always parking it in neutral and park it in 1st gear now using the kill switch as a reminder that it is in gear before I thumb the starter.
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Posted 2016-12-22 12:03 PM (#190194 - in reply to #190192)
Subject: Re: Switches


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
bd2, you don't say what year your bike is. I know mine will do some gremlin type things from time to time. I think the kill switch may need to be pulled and cleaned. I sprayed WD40 in mine worked it when I had an issue similar to what you described. Seems to be working well. And the turn signal, I can make it do what you're saying if I'm not distinct in canceling. Frustrating, but not a show stopper.
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Posted 2016-12-22 4:05 PM (#190195 - in reply to #190192)
Subject: Re: Switches


Posts: 207
Also, be sure your battery connectors are tight.
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Posted 2016-12-22 8:13 PM (#190196 - in reply to #190194)
Subject: Re: Switches


Posts: 190
Aha..I missed that myself. It's a 2010. It's more the fact that these gremlin's have popped up at all than the actual weirdness associated with it. While I was weaving through Austin traffic on north-bound 183 I couldn't get the turn signals to shut off OR not go completely from the left turn to the right turn and I could imagine the drivers behind me wondered what I thought I was doing.

The only other bike I've had similar experiences with was my '85 BMW and that was 19 years old when the switch went bonky on me so it was a no brainer...I'd gotten my money out of that switch so I replaced it. For the most part, the turn signal switch works ok it just simply doesn't shut off when/if I push the button in to stop the light from flashing. I know I don't have to do it manually but sometimes that's just the way I am.

Merry Christmas btw...

Edited by 2016-12-22 8:15 PM
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Posted 2016-12-23 4:33 AM (#190197 - in reply to #190196)
Subject: Re: Switches


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

A very Merry Christmas to you!


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