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My philosophy
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Posted 2018-01-18 10:39 AM (#192390)
Subject: My philosophy


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Let me first say that I enjoy all the banter from friends and appreciate the loved ones that worry about me . I will try to explain.
Live uncomfortable!
People don?t get me , I understand that. There is a quote by Burt Munro that really resonates with me. Burt Munro of the famed true story film, The World?s Fastest Indian. He said, ?You live more in five minutes on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime.?
He became a holder of multiple land speed records.
Try not to focus on the speed aspect of the quote . Focus instead on the 2 types of people that he references in the quote. People that live little and people that live much.
In our world today, externally, there is little or nothing left to explore, nothing left to conquer. Man has covered pretty much every square inch of planet earth. There are no more dragons to slay in the physical world. Yet there are still some men born with an insatiable desire to explore and conquer. In these modern times, since the outward challenges of the physical world have long since been tamed , we have to look inwardly and challenge ourselves and overcome ?ourselves? and the fear that we are spoon fed by our current culture.
People are so enslaved / consumed with the ?what ifs? and preserving their lives in the name of ?safety? that we surrender to marginal colorless living at best.
I never think about the ?what ifs? . There is always calculated risk with riding a motorcycle (or getting out of bed) but it is not a death defying act by any stretch of the imagination. Yes , we all know someone killed or crippled from a motorcycle accident but don?t we all know someone killed or crippled from driving a car too?
Ask yourself this question; if a book was written about your life , would you want to read it? Some of you will instantly say yes, good for you. I keep journals about my motorcycle travels that I am still excited to read and remember and I love to share the stories. Some who have lived a bubble-wrap life may struggle to answer this. It?s not too late and it doesn?t have to be riding bikes . It?s different for everyone.
There are a handful that will instantly connect with what I?m saying , you know who you are , you have been called crazy , maybe even irresponsible.
Let me tell you what I loved about my commute this morning , It was amazing , I conquered the elements today on my motorcycle. It was 8F degrees !
It was exciting unlike most people?s commutes (and mine before I discovered motorcycles). If I get to choose between exciting or boring, I will always choose exciting.
The cold stung my face, it was mildly uncomfortable but it made me feel alive. I thought ?this is amazing!?
People are obsessed with being comfortable , I tell you , comfort is the enemy of colorful living. If your life is about comfort , your book will be boring.
Questions I get asked ?weren?t you freezing? ? if I layer properly , I generally only get cold once I get off the bike.
How many layers did you have to wear for an 8F day?? All of them!
?Wasn?t it dangerous with the ice?? There was no ice on the road where I live. There was snow off the road but take solace in the fact that I only ride ON the road. Despite what the meteorologist say, with all their fear mongering, roads were as fine yesterday and today as they are in the middle of July. I?m speaking only about my local roads not someone else?s.
"Is your suit heated?" no. I did plug in the heated gloves on the 8 degree day and the following day at 14F. The electric gloves and heated grips is a winning combination.

Where I live is perfectly positioned between the Gulf beaches and the mountains of the Smokies. Don't get me wrong , these are wonderful places I love to visit. But I know many people locally that have never been anywhere else.
I like to explore other places, challenge myself.
One word for you today. LIVE!
I am , because at the end , I want a good book to read.


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Posted 2018-01-30 4:10 AM (#192412 - in reply to #192390)
Subject: Re: My philosophy

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 8
Amen JimTom. Everyday is a gift. Roll Tide.
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Posted 2018-01-30 4:40 AM (#192414 - in reply to #192412)
Subject: Re: My philosophy


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Roll Tide brother!
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