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Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed
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Posted 2019-06-28 9:04 AM (#192861)
Subject: Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
Herriman, UT United States
I bought my 2014 Victory Vision in May of 2018. The shifting and everything operated fine for a while. These last couple months, when I am riding 50-80 miles an hour, If I increase throttle to pick up a bit more speed, it downshifts on its own. Why? Clutch plates or friction plates?
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Posted 2019-06-28 2:58 PM (#192862 - in reply to #192861)
Subject: RE: Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
First question that comes to mind when discussing Victory clutch concern is, are you using the correct oil? There are a lot of post on the site about oil selection. At the end of the day, the clutch requires a semi-synthetic. Hope your problem is as simple as doing an oil change.
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Posted 2019-07-01 7:44 PM (#192863 - in reply to #192861)
Subject: Re: Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 40
Cheyenne, WY United States
Oil is a concern but it seems unlikely the clutch would (or could) cause it to downshift. If the engine is suddenly increasing in rpms with increase in throttle and a change in the "indicated" gear but not going faster then yea, clutch...check the adjustment first. A slipping clutch with a corresponding change in gear indicated could make it seem like it down shifted. That being said if it really did go from say 6th to 5th that probably isn't the clutch but perhaps a worn gear.....I'd chase the clutch first. As Lenyb said it COULD be oil if you recently changed to full synthetic or too a non JASO MA/MA2 rated oil. Keep us posted. LMYR
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Posted 2019-07-04 1:30 PM (#192864 - in reply to #192861)
Subject: Re: Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed


Posts: 4278
<p><strong>Oil will NOT cause it to fall out of gear.</strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>you have to start with your foot are you putting it fully in to gear.</strong></p><p>then look at your shifter peg is there to much play in it.</p><p>now look at shift linkage is it adjust corectly.</p><p>if all of that checks out go into primary.</p><p> </p>

Edited by johnnyvision 2019-07-04 1:35 PM
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Posted 2019-07-04 1:38 PM (#192865 - in reply to #192861)
Subject: Re: Transmission down shifts on its own when increasing throttle for speed


Posts: 4278
Its NOT the oil.

is your foot putting it all the way into gear.
how much side to side play in shifter.
is shift linkage adjusted corect.
if all that checks out go into primary and look for the problem.
Its not the oil
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