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Installation of Ness handlebars (for tall guys)
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Posted 2009-06-01 8:13 AM (#35742)
Subject: Installation of Ness handlebars (for tall guys)

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 23
Fort Worth
I'm 6'3" so the stock bars had too much pull back for me. I installed the Arlen Ness "drag" bars which are roughly 2 inches further forward. I love them. My arms are in a more natural position now and I like the way the bike steers. The wire routing is a little more exposed, but the bars themselves look really good. Installation wasn't as tough as everyone says its going to be (if you know the tricks).

The radio/switch console needs to come off to access the handlebar attachment to the upper triple tree. The console is attached by 5 bolts....... two in the front, two in the back and one on the left side. Start by opening the gloove compartment and fuel filler doors. There is a small bolt that is visible under the gloove compartment door. Remove it.

Next....... remove the painted body panel between the seat and the switch console by pulling up on the front edges of the panel (which were exposed by opening the gloove compartment and fuel filler doors). Once the painted panel is removed the two rear bolts will be obvious. Remove them.

Here is "the trick". The chrome bezel around the speedo/tach cluster needs to come off. Using a plastic spoon, spatula or similar, pry between the chrome bezel and the speaker covers on each side pulling toward you to pop the bezel off. Once the bezel is off the two front bolts holding the console will be obvious. Remove them.

With all 5 bolts removed the console can be lifted straight up and away. The rest is pretty straight forward........ drape a towel over your left and right tank halves...... remove the two bolts holding the handlebars to the upper triple tree (there are self-locking nuts on the back side so you will need a box-end wrench)..... loosen the bolts and screws clamping the hand controls to the bars, etc. Once the handlebars are detached from the triple tree they can be moved around enough to give you the slack you will need in the wires and cables to slide the hand controls off the ends of the bars.

And here is the other small trick...... the left side heated hand grip is actually bolted to the handlebars. Using your thumb, roll the raised lip of the rubber hand grip back about and 1/8" to expose a small torx-drive set screw. Remove the set screw. Do the same thing on the opposite side of the hand grip and voila..... the hand grip slides right off.

Good luck. It is definitely worth the effort. I was done in less than 2 hours.

Edited by TXVision 2009-06-01 8:15 AM
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