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Fork Bullets Installed
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Posted 2010-01-20 10:01 PM (#51728)
Subject: Fork Bullets Installed

Central Wisconsin

Installed (on the bottom of the forks) two 33mm chrome bullet style screw-on lug nut covers used for semi-trucks.

I purchased mine from a truck stop.   I found this website (haven't bought from them).




*  Two  33mm chrome plastic bullet style screw-on lug nut covers

*  Two  5/16" x 1 1/2" bolts (I used stainless)

*  Four  5/16" nuts (I used stainless)

*  Two  5/16" x 1 1/2" fender washers

*  Two  SCH 40 PVC 1/2" plugs 

*  Four M6 x 16 bolts



Cut two 1/4" x 1/4" areas out of each fender washer.



 Tighten the washer between the bolt head and a nut. I used high strength threadlocker.

You don't have to use a allen head bolt a regular bolt head will work.



Drill a 5/16" hole in each of the SCH 40 PVC 1/2" plugs.  Push a bolt through the hole and attach a nut.

Heat up only the nut only enough to melt plastic and pull the nut into the plastic plug.



Turn the plugs into the chrome bullets.



Sure was nice of Polaris to drill/tap some holes in our Victory forks



Bolt up your bullet mount using the 6mm x 16 bolts. ( I used a medium strength threadlocker).



Attach your fork bullet and kick back!


EDIT: 1-22-10


I like this nylon plastic male hose/barb pipe adapter 1/4"x1/2" better, it is stronger, threads better and has a small hole drilled.

I cut the barbed end off and drilled a 5/16" hole.

Same procedure as original post, only use more heat on the nut when pulling it through the plastic.













Edited by Thomas 2010-01-30 7:53 PM
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