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Using tie downs
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Posted 2011-01-21 1:00 PM (#77833)
Subject: Using tie downs


Posts: 104
Corona, CA

We just got back from a trip where we hauled the Vision in the back of my truck up to Cambria for a tour of the central valley area in the hills of Carmel Valley and Hwy 1. ( I know, I know - but my wife will not ride for 12 hours round trip to take a 6 hour ride each day. Wifes happy - we're all happy !)

We're proud members of W.H.O.R.E. - We Haul Our Ride Everywhere

When I was setting up the tie downs, I did it as instructed and used the front loop cast into the frame above the forks and used the rear tip overs for the rear. So far, so good.

After setting up the tie downs on the rear tip overs. I was checking the bike from the back to make sure it was standing straight up and saw that the left rear tip over was bent down by the tie down straps.


I ended up using the rear motor mount as an attaching point. It worked just fine.

By the way - the weather was BEAUTIFUL ! Sever clear and 70 degrees all the up through Carmel Valley and back down Hwy 1.


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Posted 2011-01-22 12:12 AM (#77901 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
did the tipover wings bend? or did they bend at the frame connection? jeez, I've stood on mine-270lbs of downward force. Any pics?
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Posted 2011-01-22 6:53 AM (#77908 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 228
I would check your tip-over......I have hauled my '08 tens of thousands of miles in my fifth wheel toy hauler with no ill effects. We don't haul it everywhere, just on really long trips of a week or more duration. We average 12K miles of riding a year.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-22 8:08 AM (#77913 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Honestly I don't think you did anything to the TOP itself, it is either the way you're looking at it or it was bent before you got it, unless you are the Hulk or and you used a power wrench to chinch it down.
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Posted 2011-01-22 11:36 AM (#77924 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 4278
Mine is bent too and have never hauled it or tipped it over. It just might be the way it comes.
Keep in mind the only reason you use tie downs in back is so it doesn't hop into a wall or what ever. I would use a tie down and wrap it around the read wheel and anchor it to the floor or what ever.
I have all ways wonder about that little casting up front for holding the bike down. It just doesn't look that strong.
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Posted 2011-01-22 12:15 PM (#77927 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Did you keep the eyebolts for the front tip overs that came when the bike was new? I had to ask my dealer for them, but he gave them to me free. They make a much better tie down location for the front.
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Posted 2011-01-22 1:33 PM (#77932 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
From the factory the rear tipovers have a slight downward tilt in them. So highly doubt you bent them.

But I think there is a tie-down "hole" or slot in the rear swingarm. I remember seeing a post here where somebody mentioned this and there was even a picture. Think you are supposed to "cross tie-down"...meaning you use the left hole and go under the bike to your right tie-down on the trailer and then right hole to left tie-down.

I wouldn't use the eyebolt in the front tipover method. If you seen what the front tipovers are mounted to as far as bracketery you would see how the brackets could get bent up a bit. True, it would take some force to bend the brackets....however it could happen. I know that the factory uses the eybolts but also keep in mind that it is in a crate with no wheels and I'm sure there are more than a few other straps holding it.
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Posted 2011-01-22 5:03 PM (#77937 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 576
, IA
front hookup the same but i just run one over the seat and tie it down front does all the work and rear keeps it inplace
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Posted 2011-01-22 6:44 PM (#77940 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: RE: Using tie downs


Posts: 104
Corona, CA

I was thinking that I was one strong dude to be able to pull that tip over down !

I like to use the tie down points on the forks and the frame in back so that I am compressing the suspension. If you don't - it will bounce all over the place. The manual says to put a jack under the engine case but that sounds like you'll just stress that way to much for my liking.

I used the rear engine attachment brackets and that worked great, I am just trying to get tension on it from the sides in the rear to keep it from leaning over in curves while I'm driving. There is a lot of side force on the bike through switchbacks and turns at freeway speeds.

Here is a photo of it tied down.



Edited by team5150 2011-01-22 6:49 PM
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-22 6:54 PM (#77941 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
I feel queasy....
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Posted 2011-01-22 11:10 PM (#77951 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I have hauled my bike to Daytona and back from Northeast Ohio, twice, using the rear tipovers with no issues. Also, I got some of the factory eyebolts from the dealer (the screw into the front tipovers). I found that using the connection by the airbox made the straps rub on the top of the front fender.
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Big Vic
Posted 2011-01-23 6:50 AM (#77960 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I had the same problem with mine. I now put "Painters Tape" on the fender so the strap rubs it instead of the paint. The tape is easy on, easy off, and does not hurt a thing.
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Posted 2011-01-27 6:30 PM (#78264 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1436
Those factory eye bolts are fine for strappin the bike to a lift BUT you don't want to haul a bike strapped down with them. They are a very soft metal and break/bend very easy.
Ya I know some of us, me included, asked the dealer for these for this purpose, and used them for hauling, but I talked with a Vic rep who highly discouraged the use of them for hauling. They were put on for crating purposes only.
As to bending the tip over? No way! You'd snap the bolts first.
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Posted 2011-01-28 1:13 AM (#78288 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
Almost all of your stability will be from the front straps, if the front wheel is straight and is up against a wheel chock or stop, and the front springs are compressed. In fact, if the rear straps are pulling the bike backwards (away from the wheel chock or stop ), they may not be helping at all. Being a lifetime rider and being in the motorcycle industry for many years, I have secured thousands of bikes (like GoldWings, sport bikes, etc. ) into trucks and onto trailers. For the Vision I would use a pair of soft-tie traps looped through the lower triple trees, secured with cam lock straps, tied for extra security... or ratcheting straps. In either case keep the buckle low to prevent paint damage. The only reason to strap the rear would be to prevent the back end from bouncing sideways... so very little strap tension would be needed on the rear tip-overs... you need not compress the rear shock to prevent sideways bouncing. If a bike is properly secured against a wheel chock or stop, with the front suspension compressed, you would have a hard time lifting or sliding the rear of the bike. IMO, the second set of straps would be better used as redundant straps for the front, in case one breaks or comes loose.

FYI, the rear tip-overs have a slight downward slope already, and being a casting, it is doubtful they would bend before the bolts broke. Remember, they are designed to take a hit with a 850# bike...

Edited by buddahead 2011-01-28 1:17 AM
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Posted 2011-01-29 4:02 PM (#78369 - in reply to #77833)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 31
My dealer told me to use the eye bolts for strapping to the trailer. I have a bike chock that locks the front wheel and keeps the bike up straight. I strapped to the eye bolts and the rear tip overs. Hauled it more than 2000 miles with no problem. Go figure.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-29 4:39 PM (#78370 - in reply to #78369)
Subject: Re: Using tie downs


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Lv_2_ride - 2011-01-29 4:02 PM

My dealer told me to use the eye bolts for strapping to the trailer. I have a bike chock that locks the front wheel and keeps the bike up straight. I strapped to the eye bolts and the rear tip overs. Hauled it more than 2000 miles with no problem. Go figure.

+1 works fine, but I would also strap from the point below the tree. That's a heavy bike and you need some stability from up top. Sure, everyone could haul from the lower points without incident, but when things got a little hairy, the bike just might take you out. I've strapped in everything from 60 ton track equipment to a bicycle to haul across country or around the block. Just saying...

Edited by Cap'n Nemo 2011-01-29 4:39 PM
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