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DIY flag mount for CycleOps rack
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Posted 2011-03-17 12:31 AM (#81545)
Subject: DIY flag mount for CycleOps rack


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I love the CycleOps rack and think they are worth every penny, but I couldn't shill out the $70 for the flag mount.
Here is the poor man's solution (under $10). . . .

LOWES Hardware
1- 1ft x 3/8" threaded rod
1- 1ft 10mm shrink tubing
1- 3/8" Cap nut
1- 1/4" grommet
1- 3/8" prongless tee-nut
1- 7/16" x 1-1/2" (or 1-1/4") washer
2- 3/8" x 1-1/2" (or 1-1/4") rubber washers
1- 3/8" x 1-1/2" (or 1-1/4") washer
1- 3/8" nylon insert locknut
Make sure the threaded rod is the same thread (TPI) as the nuts.
Stainless Steel is highly recommended, but will cost about double. You could also drop down to 5/16th instead of 3/8th but it will flex a little more. The advantage would be, that if you use a regular nut instead of a tee-nut, you can mount the pole in any of the slotted wing holes.

Slip the shrink tubing over the threaded rod and heat up until tight, cut off enough of the tubing on the ends for the cap nut to fit on top and nuts/washers on bottom.
Assemble as shown, running the tee-nut up till it's tight against the shrink tubing.
Install on desired hole in CycleOps rack. A pin wrench may be used to help hold the tee-nut in place, but the shrink tube does a good job without it.
This will hold a flag up to 10"x15". If you want a bigger flag, get a longer rod.

Now you have have more money to spend on other stuff at CycleOps!

Edited by Nozzledog 2011-03-24 10:20 PM

(2011-03-16 12.48.27.jpg)

(2011-03-16 13.08.25.jpg)

(2011-03-16 13.14.22.jpg)

(5-16th x3.jpg)

(Half inch bar and 20x30 flag.jpg)

Attachments 2011-03-16 12.48.27.jpg (47KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments 2011-03-16 13.08.25.jpg (28KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments 2011-03-16 13.14.22.jpg (94KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments 5-16th x3.jpg (80KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments Half inch bar and 20x30 flag.jpg (97KB - 3 downloads)
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