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Temperature Gauge Made Accurate
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Posted 2011-05-27 11:51 AM (#87265)
Subject: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 4278
I traced the the Temp gauge wire to my left mirror on my 08 vision. On the back side of the mirror is a little wire attached to the plastic housing. It looks like a bear electric wire connector. Under the left hand fuzz box is the connector plug witch I unplug and yup gauge did not register.
So I pop if off the back of the mirror and pushed the wire down towards the bottom of the gas tank. I wrapped the wire around a black wire that goes a long the bottom of the left gas tank. I made sure the little metal tip was not touching nothing and zip tied it in place.
Went for a good 80 mile ride and looked for every bank clock Temp I could find. I was with in one degree of the bank clock. I came home and looked at the temperature gauge in the garage and was still with in one degree.
Now I'm off to find a friend who has one of those fancy phones that will tell the temp.
I can live with one degree.
Sorry I tuck a dozen photos but for some reason they did not load to that little memorie card. I was pissed.

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Posted 2011-05-27 12:56 PM (#87268 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: RE: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
Great Job John. I have thought a dozen times about moving the sensor out into the open, just haven't got round-to-it. My other bike has a vent in the front of the fairing and the thermo sensor is right where the air comes in. It is always the same as any outdoor thermometer, within reason. Thanks for solving for us.
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Posted 2011-05-27 5:18 PM (#87284 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 4278
Here is a photo that I went and shot


Attachments IMG_0117.JPG (75KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2011-05-27 7:53 PM (#87290 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
Now that's a good one!

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Posted 2011-05-27 8:20 PM (#87291 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 226
on the edge of Los Angeles
Now your temp probe is out in wet weather and it may activate the automatic wipers!
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Posted 2011-05-28 8:37 AM (#87297 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Mine has always beenvery accurate except after parking, where the heat off the engine would increase the reading, however after a short distance it reads correct.
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Posted 2011-05-28 8:23 PM (#87358 - in reply to #87297)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 258
Akron, Ohio
norcan - 2011-05-28 9:37 AM

Mine has always beenvery accurate except after parking, where the heat off the engine would increase the reading, however after a short distance it reads correct.

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Posted 2012-06-06 4:30 PM (#115972 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 161
Albuquerque NM
Thanks for the tips I'll have to try this. BTW has anyone else had there's freak out when it's really cold?
During the winter when I would ride to work in the mid 20's mine would just read 9 degrees, kind of like the bike asking me if I'm nuts.
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Posted 2012-06-06 6:08 PM (#115974 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
Go to NOAAs website and download the windchill chart. You'll be amazed at just how slowly you can be moving (relative wind) and have the temperature go through the floor!( 30f at 30mph is 15 degrees f). I consider my thermometer to be in the category of 'Reference Only' in the sub category 'Oh,that's nice to know' and about half the banks or shopping centers I pass must have their temp probe located in the lobby as they're indicating either way too warm or cold for the relative conditions, just like banks who don't change the time shown when we go on or off of DST
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Posted 2012-06-07 4:24 PM (#116023 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 232
Since when is a bank temp. correct?
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Posted 2012-06-07 5:01 PM (#116029 - in reply to #115974)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
SYNSTR - 2012-06-06 6:08 PM

Oh,that's nice to know' and about half the banks or shopping centers I pass must have their temp probe located in the lobby as they're indicating either way too warm or cold for the relative conditions, just like banks who don't change the time shown when we go on or off of DST

Speaking as a banker.....the Temp we show here on the sign is spot on! The time on the other hand does have DST issues.

When the US Government changed the dates for DST it messed up our sign. Our sign controller is hard coded to to the old dates. To change the code physical chips would need to be changed. It is called Firmware not Software.

When I called the makers of the sign controller they said..."Too bad" We are not sending out new code. In their words..."You never know when the Government will change it back!"

So to "Correct" for the error I have to remind marketing to remove the Time from the sign FOUR weekends a year!!!

Twice on the old DST weekends when the sign would want to change (and it would be wrong) and two more times when the new DST weekends happens when we would want it to change to be correct (and it would be wrong) .

The company that makes this controller is really poorly run.

Ride Safe and check your sun dial.

Edited by radioteacher 2012-06-07 5:01 PM
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Posted 2012-06-07 5:35 PM (#116032 - in reply to #116029)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
radioteacher - 2012-06-07 3:01 PM

SYNSTR - 2012-06-06 6:08 PM

Oh,that's nice to know' and about half the banks or shopping centers I pass must have their temp probe located in the lobby as they're indicating either way too warm or cold for the relative conditions, just like banks who don't change the time shown when we go on or off of DST

Speaking as a banker.....the Temp we show here on the sign is spot on! The time on the other hand does have DST issues.

When the US Government changed the dates for DST it messed up our sign. Our sign controller is hard coded to to the old dates. To change the code physical chips would need to be changed. It is called Firmware not Software.

When I called the makers of the sign controller they said..."Too bad" We are not sending out new code. In their words..."You never know when the Government will change it back!"

So to "Correct" for the error I have to remind marketing to remove the Time from the sign FOUR weekends a year!!!

Twice on the old DST weekends when the sign would want to change (and it would be wrong) and two more times when the new DST weekends happens when we would want it to change to be correct (and it would be wrong) .

The company that makes this controller is really poorly run.

Ride Safe and check your sun dial.

Have you downloaded and printed out the NOAA chart yet?
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Posted 2012-06-07 6:35 PM (#116034 - in reply to #116032)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
SYNSTR - 2012-06-07 5:35 PM

Have you downloaded and printed out the NOAA chart yet?

Which NOAA chart?
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Posted 2012-06-07 8:19 PM (#116045 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
The windchill chart I mentioned in my first response to this, words three through nine, line 1, six posts above this one.
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Posted 2012-06-07 8:31 PM (#116046 - in reply to #87265)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
What does windchill have to with ambient tempature?
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Posted 2012-06-08 4:01 AM (#116054 - in reply to #116046)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 258
Akron, Ohio
varyder - 2012-06-07 9:31 PM

What does windchill have to with ambient tempature?

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Posted 2012-06-08 4:21 AM (#116056 - in reply to #115972)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

gr8punkin - 2012-06-06 5:30 PM Thanks for the tips I'll have to try this. BTW has anyone else had there's freak out when it's really cold? During the winter when I would ride to work in the mid 20's mine would just read 9 degrees, kind of like the bike asking me if I'm nuts.

since day one, literally, I took mine home in November of '07.  My first cold ride on the Vision was Thanksgiving. The day after it was 18 degrees.  I spent two hours riding with the temp at -9.  Soon found out this is normal...

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Posted 2012-06-08 6:45 AM (#116060 - in reply to #116056)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
varyder - 2012-06-08 2:21 AM

gr8punkin - 2012-06-06 5:30 PM Thanks for the tips I'll have to try this. BTW has anyone else had there's freak out when it's really cold? During the winter when I would ride to work in the mid 20's mine would just read 9 degrees, kind of like the bike asking me if I'm nuts.

since day one, literally, I took mine home in November of '07.? My first cold ride on the Vision was Thanksgiving. The day after it was 18 degrees.? I spent two hours riding with the temp at -9.? Soon found out this is normal...

Nothing I guess, it's your case of frostbite so enjoy-
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Posted 2012-06-08 10:07 AM (#116080 - in reply to #116060)
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Made Accurate


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
The temperature gauge reads ambient temperature, not the windchill factor. However, on the early Visions, like my 2008, there is a firmware problem with them that causes them to switch to displaying temperatures in the metric system below freezing. They read in Fahrenheit down to 32 degrees, then in Celsius once the temps go below 32 Fahrenheit. Thus -2 = 28F, -5 = 23F, -9 = 16F, etc.

Other than that, my temp gauge agrees with the one on my buddy's Goldwing, except it's slower to respond to temp changes. To that end, I need to try the mod that started this thread.


Edited by rdbudd 2012-06-08 10:11 AM
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