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Passenger Drink Holer
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   Discussion -> Vision Tech ReferenceMessage format
Posted 2011-08-06 9:17 PM (#92826)
Subject: Passenger Drink Holer

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 17
Bridgewater, MA

I wanted a passenger drink holder that did not alter the look of the Vision and I did not want to purchase the passenger arm rests as I do not like the look and my passengers do not find them useful. (If you find them useful that is fine, it has not been my experience).

After careful consideration I decided where on the motorcycle I wanted the mount and put a parts list together.

(1) RAM Mount Rectangular AMPS Plate B-Ball RAM-B-347U @ $5.72 from
(1) RAM Mount Cup Holder
(4) 10x24x3/4 stainless Steel hex bolts from Lowes
(4) 10x24 stainless Steel/nylon nuts
(4) washers
(1) 12x12 sheet of aluminum metal (used on back of plastic to add strength.

1) Open trunk and remove the two screms holding the speaker cover in place.
2) Carefully position the RAM Mount Rectangular AMPS Plate B-Ball RAM-B-347U in position and mark the (4) holes.
3) Drill the 4 holes through the plastic
4) Cut a small aluminum square from the 12x12 sheet (or smaller if you got one)
5) Drill the 4 holes in the aluminum to match the RAM Mount and the speaker grill
6) Slide the 10x24x3/4 bolt through the RAM Mount, through the hole in the speaker, through the hole in the aluminum
7) slide a washer and nylon centered nut over the back of the bolt and screw together (leave loose)
8) repeat three more times till all four bolts are through the RAM Mount, speaker grill, and aluminum and the nuts are all lightly screwed together
9) Snug up all 4 bolt/nuts
10) Slide speaker grill back on and tighten the two speaker grill screws through the trunk to the proper torque










Attachments RAMBall-Base-Back.jpg (59KB - 18 downloads)
Attachments RAMBall-Base-Front.jpg (93KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments RAMBall-Base-Installed-RightSide-Rear-Speaker-Cover.jpg (67KB - 9 downloads)
Attachments CUP-1.jpg (46KB - 17 downloads)
Attachments CUP-2.jpg (73KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments CUP-3.jpg (81KB - 9 downloads)
Attachments CUP-4.jpg (68KB - 8 downloads)
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