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Kuryakin 4710 Install Notes
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Posted 2011-11-12 5:50 PM (#101305)
Subject: Kuryakin 4710 Install Notes


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I helped install a Kuryakin 4710 into Magic's 2008 Vision and if I did it again I would do it this way.

Before the day of the install buy the following.

Three - Posi-Tap Part Number EX-110M - These are a Taps for 20 to 22 ga wire and not found at NAPA Auto.
Three - Posi-Seal "Napa Auto Parts" Part number 785967 for 16 to 14 ga wire.
One - Kuryakin 4710
Three Feet of Red, Brown and Blue wire 16 ga.
Six feet of Violet wire 16 ga.

Now sit a work bench and extend the Right Turn, Left Turn and Brake input wires another 14 inches.
I cut off the spade connectors and soldered on the extensions and covered them in heat shrink. Strip the ends of the wires 3/8".

Tie back with a snap tie, the input Black ground wire and the Red brake output wires on the Kuryakin 4710.

Extend the Brown output wire to the Right trunk light 12 inches. Strip the wire and connect a Blue Posi-Seal.

Extend the Blue "+12 Volt Wire" and run it to the output side of the Kuryakin 4710 and cut it off so it ends near the Brown output wire to the Right trunk light. Strip the wire and connect a Blue Posi-Seal.

To prep the output to the Left Trunk light wire, violet, I just cut off the spade connector, striped the wire and connected it to a red Posi-Seal. You can use a Blue Posi-Seal here as well it just will not seal as well.

See Picture.

The Install
Remove the seat and identify the proper wire harness to tap. It is a smaller harness and runs to the connetor that is shown in the "Middle Brake Light Mod" video.

Carefully remove the a few inches of tape that covers the harness.

Find the correct wires for your year model and install three Posi-Tap Part Number EX-110M to the wires. If you use the Posi-Taps for 12-18 ga wire you might have an intermittent connection because the wire is smaller than that.

For a 2008 Vision the input wires are:

Brake Input Power - WHITE/PINK - Connects to the RED Input wire.

Right Turn Signal Output - BLUE/RED - Connects to the BROWN Input wire.

Left Turn Signal Output - BLUE - Connects to the VIOLET Input wire.

Run The rest of the Violet wire to the left trunk light and route it to the base of the trunk. You can feed it down the plastic loom that Victory uses.

Remove the left trunk light and cut the green/pink wire about 1 1/2 inches back from the connector. Attach a Female Spade connector from the KY-4710 parts kit to the green/pink coming from the light. Attach a Male Spade connector to the Violet wire and the

green/pink wire coming up from the bike. Connect the Violet wire male spade connector to the female on the light. Leave the green/pink wire male spade disconnected.

Find the wire harness plug for the Trunk. On the trunk side of the connector cut the green/pink about 1 1/2 inches back from the connector. Strip both sides of the cut wire about 3/8".

Connecting the Wires.

Under the seat
Brake Input Power - WHITE/PINK wire Posi-Tap connects to the RED Input wire on the KY-4710.

Right Turn Signal Output - BLUE/RED wire Posi-Tap connects to the BROWN Input wire on the KY-4710.

Left Turn Signal Output - BLUE wire Posi-Tap connects to the VIOLET Input wire on the KY-4710.

At the Trunk
+12 Volt Power - The Green/Pink wire that is on the connector side of the cut connects to the BLUE wire on the KY-4710 with a Posi-Seal.
Right Trunk Light - The Green/Pink wire that is on the trunk side of the cut connects to the BROWN wire on the KY-4710 with a Posi-Seal.
Left Trunk Light - The VIOLET wire from the left trunk light connects to the VIOLET wire on the KY-4710 with a Posi-Seal.
Ground - Either BLACK ground wire can be connected to chassis. I use the screw hole under the trunk floor that ties down the CB.

Test, put the trunk back together and the seat back on.

Here are the original notes from Firehawk.

Ride Safe

Edited by radioteacher 2011-11-12 6:01 PM


Attachments IMG_1164.jpg (86KB - 29 downloads)
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