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Temperature readouts below freezing
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2013-01-24 2:43 PM (#130005)
Subject: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA

I was wondering if there has ever been a fix for the temperature readouts when it gets below freezing.

On my 2008, when it gets below 31 F, it starts showing negative numbers. I don't know if those numbers are Fahrenheit degrees below freezing or just randomness. I know it's not Celsius numbers.

 For example, yesterday when it was about 29 or 30, I was getting readings like -5 or so. A few days ago, when it was around 27-29, I was getting -7 to -9.

 Do the newer bikes still do this?

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Posted 2013-01-24 4:33 PM (#130010 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
LCD displays do funky things below freezing.
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Posted 2013-01-24 5:30 PM (#130011 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 185
Rhode Island
Mine just reads: PARK THE BIKE
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Posted 2013-01-24 7:21 PM (#130016 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Never been a fix for those of us with the first edition. I just put the windshield up, turn on the heated grips and seat, then listen to the radio for a weather report.
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Posted 2013-01-24 7:24 PM (#130017 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 96
Princeton, IL
My 08 does the same. at 30 it says -0. i think it goes to celsius when it gets that cold. I have ridden when the bank says 20 and my bike will read -7 or something like that. First year quirk I guess.
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Posted 2013-01-24 9:22 PM (#130023 - in reply to #130011)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 599
New Mexico
RhodeTrip - 2013-01-24 4:30 PM

Mine just reads: PARK THE BIKE

Mine scrolls the words "I can take it if you can..."

SammyJ - 2013-01-24 6:24 PM

First year quirk I guess.

I've heard the same thing. My 2009 reads correctly.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2013-01-24 10:46 PM (#130026 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
Thanks, all. Didn't know if the newer ones did it or not. It's not a big deal. Once it's below freezing I just make sure the handgrips and seat are on high, and sometimes break out the Gerbing jacket liner and gloves. It's only 16 miles to work, so I just layer up before I leave.
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Posted 2013-01-25 2:51 PM (#130057 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
I'm hardcore, but if my bike is reading below zero....I'm driving......and in the wrong place
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Posted 2013-01-25 6:11 PM (#130069 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
No fix that I have heard of. I have read on this forum more than once that it goes to celcius mode when below freezing. That might be true for some, but not mine. It is very random. It will read -4 one morning then -9 the next morning when the actual temp was 24F on both mornings. -9C = 16F so I don't trust what it says when below freezing. Here is more discussion on the topic...

BTW, this mod really works when above freezing...

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2013-01-25 6:21 PM
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Posted 2013-01-25 9:22 PM (#130083 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
Does it really matter once it gets that cold? lol. I have the 08' as well and yes mine does the same thing. I just get the gerbing gear out when it gets below 40. But thats also me heading out on a 300 mile plus ride so the windchill and length of time in that temp is a major factor.Good luck to you all and stay warm.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2013-02-15 6:27 PM (#130868 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
I think I've figured out a little bit of how the gauge works! Yesterday when I rode to work, the temperatures hovered around freezing. It showed 32, 31, 0, -9, and -8. I think 0=30, -9=29, and -8=28.

I guess -1 would be 21, but I have no idea what it would do next. Anyone else have any empirical data to share to fill in this chart?

32 32
31 31
30 30
29 -9
28 -8
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Posted 2013-02-16 12:09 AM (#130881 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
I live in Canada and only am able to ride 6 months a year! I have only ridden once where it hovered around 32F. that was a long road trip and had no choice.
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Posted 2013-02-17 9:54 PM (#130958 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
I have never seen it read below 40. By choice.
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Posted 2013-02-18 3:28 AM (#130968 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I'm good down to freezing. I take the cage then only due to possible ice on the roads, not because it's too cold for me (although I've found as I get older, I can't handle the same weather I used to).
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Posted 2013-02-18 5:43 AM (#130971 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 251
Mechanicsville, VA United States
When I first started riding on the road(99), I rode in 32 degs. weather one time,of course I didn't have a Vision then, but that one day ride broke me from wanting to do that again so I set my sights on nothing below 42 degs. and after getting older that low number moved up to 52 degs. and as aging has continued my new sight is 62 degs. and that's starting to feel too low and on the other end of the temp scale anything above 84 degs. is too hot!
I might as well quit my 12,000 miles a year are down to 5,000 miles a year, Maybe it's time to buy a Harley now!
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Posted 2013-02-18 7:44 AM (#130974 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
This morning it was 31F per My gauge flickered back and forth between 31 and -1. A few weeks ago when it was 24F it read -4 and -9, but nothing inbetween. I can't figure it out.
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Posted 2013-02-18 12:08 PM (#130991 - in reply to #130971)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
diamonbird - 2013-02-18 5:43 AM

When I first started riding on the road(99), I rode in 32 degs. weather one time,of course I didn't have a Vision then, but that one day ride broke me from wanting to do that again so I set my sights on nothing below 42 degs. and after getting older that low number moved up to 52 degs. and as aging has continued my new sight is 62 degs. and that's starting to feel too low and on the other end of the temp scale anything above 84 degs. is too hot!
I might as well quit my 12,000 miles a year are down to 5,000 miles a year, Maybe it's time to buy a Harley now!

Yeah, the old body's central heating and air conditioning system does deteriorate as the years pile up. In my stupidity of youth, I would ride in freezing temperatures with just a leather jacket and long johns. Now, I get by pretty good in cold temperatures , that I used to laugh at when I was younger, with the extensive use of heated riding gear. If I think it might get down to 50 degrees, the heated jacket liner goes on.

My temperature gauge goes nuts below 32F too.

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Posted 2013-02-18 12:59 PM (#130995 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
The coldest I have ever ridden a motorcyce was -5F (-20C). There were 3 of us and we had a good time. Had to stop about every hour to warm up, but never got miserably cold. I have ridden a mountain bike at -8F (-22C). I had no problem keeping warm then because the snow created so much pedaling resistance. Obviously this is not ideal riding weather. However, if I wait for perfect riding weather in Indiana I will be waiting for ever. Around here it is either humid and hot or cold and windy. Not much in between.

Edited by victoryvisiontour 2013-02-18 1:05 PM
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Posted 2013-02-19 3:59 AM (#131036 - in reply to #130995)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
victoryvisiontour - 2013-02-18 1:59 PM
Around here it is either humid and hot or cold and windy. Not much in between.

Almost went out yesterday but I fell asleep. 45* was good although the 30 mph winds would have made it less than ideal.
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Posted 2013-02-24 10:06 AM (#131275 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 9
East Bridgewater, Ma.
I was out last evening and it began to snow. The temp gauge was at 32 degree's and then it read -4 shortly there after. As I was crusing the beach and it read fool! hey there is a first for everything and now I can say I have ridden in the snow. Heated jacket and gloves were the crowning moment of the ride. I was totally warm from head to toe and the Vision was great until you get to those painted cross walks which are a little bit slippery. Stay Warm

Edited by Stocksandbonds 2013-02-24 10:07 AM
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Posted 2016-11-28 6:24 AM (#190098 - in reply to #130868)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
I know I'm resurrecting a very old thread but it has value, this answered my question about the screwball way my thermometer was acting this morning on the way into work!

I can confirm it appears to be accurate down to 22F, aka -2 on the V scale, I saw everything from 33 down to 22 riding over the mountains into work.

So I can brag that I was riding in -2V this morning :-)

I wonder what it does at 20, at 19 and below..maybe I'll find out soon!

Lone Ranger - 2013-02-15 7:27 PM

I think I've figured out a little bit of how the gauge works! Yesterday when I rode to work, the temperatures hovered around freezing. It showed 32, 31, 0, -9, and -8. I think 0=30, -9=29, and -8=28.

I guess -1 would be 21, but I have no idea what it would do next. Anyone else have any empirical data to share to fill in this chart?

32 32
31 31
30 30
29 -9
28 -8
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Posted 2016-11-28 6:30 AM (#190099 - in reply to #190098)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
Oh one more thing, it's hard to be sure but I think there is one flaw on that original conversion scale.
I think mine indicated -0 at 30, not 30, I know I saw 31 then -0 at one point then it went -9, I know I never saw 30.
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Posted 2017-02-05 6:22 PM (#191453 - in reply to #130005)
Subject: Re: Temperature readouts below freezing

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
, IL United States
saw my first glitch yesterday at 15 f. the temp readout just showed --. Not negative numbers as some have reported. Seems they would scale a temp display to work with earth's temp range. Why wouldn't any other displayed info flake out? Came back after work commute , but it was 30ish by then.
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